A change in my gmail address forced me to update all my material -- and among those things was a reworked pitch deck for my Vegas-based rom-com "Stand Tall!" Rather than use a middleman, this time I decided to do the whole thing myself... and while it's not 100 percent refined, I think it turned out pretty well. I used Google Docs for the 20-page document, choosing photos to illustrate the production I envision, including a suggested cast as well as a logline, synopsis, screenwriter's statement, suggested soundtrack (which the lead character would actually sing), budget, tone and more. I gave the pages a sky-blue background to make it even more striking (see the accompanying cover). If you're planning your own pitch deck and would like to see it, let me know and we'll take it from there.
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Hi Vincent Paterno! I'm so sorry you had to redo all that work but good on you for seeing it through! What's your next goal for your project?
Hi Vincent! Good to see you! What would you say is the most important part of putting the pitch deck together?
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Congratulations! It takes time but if you put your mind to it you can get your pitch deck done.
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EMILY -- My next goal: Sell the project and have this rom-com produced.
OLIVIA -- Be thorough, and remember above all you're selling your vision. It's why my pitch deck includes a logline, a synopsis, an estimated budget, a suggested cast (even if you can't get star-level talent, you can pitch similar types), even a suggested soundtrack (mine includes YouTube links to original versions of the '60s girl-group songs our triple-scale leading lady would perform in a Vegas showroom).
AMANDA -- It's worth the work. It really looks professional.
Artwork of "costumes". Interesting! My present venture, is to highlight local creativity here at home, which includes local costumes. All the best Vincent Parterno!
Vincent Paterno Nice! Have you checked out the Pitch Sessions? There are a few looking for RomComs, and you can always email success@stage32.com for recommendations!
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Eon, the costumes in "Stand Tall!" are typical Vegas glitz and glamour. We do have a clothing gag after the Resizer accidentally makes singing-dancing Vegas waitress Colleen Cossitt three times her size (16-foot-1 1/8; she'd intended to use the machine to grow to 6-foot-2 and join a showgirl troupe). Colleen's clothes also grow with her; furious at scientist Keswick Fletcher for the mishap, she storms out of the chamber, planning to pummel him... but her leg scrapes against the Resizer door and she gets a run in her favorite pair of pantyhose! (Thankfully, she has a spare pair in her handbag, and a nervous Keswick cools Colleen's temper by triple-sizing the hose.) She later becomes a giant showroom headliner, a beloved Sin City icon.
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Want to see the entire pitch deck? Drop me a line.
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Cool. I am just finishing up a drama-comedy and will be doing a pitch ddeck next - this is interestintg. I have been collecting alot from my own life, to share and use in the pitch deck - plus things that depict tone, storyline, genre, look, music, sound design, camera /DP style ...I may want to see yours to get an idea on what to include - i have done a bit of research on it, and am not at that stage yet - I am still weaking the pilot to the series..Good luck and congrats!
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Vincent Parterno, that's most certainly a whole lot of work, I'm impressed! Also welcomed seeing, all the other commentaries you have gotten, all part of good subject matters! I will take up the offer and drop you a line. Thanks and congratulations!