I have been with stage32 sometime. I have learned a lot and met a lot of people. My goals for 2019 is to make a feature film. With the help of God and hard work, this will happen.
I have been with stage32 sometime. I have learned a lot and met a lot of people. My goals for 2019 is to make a feature film. With the help of God and hard work, this will happen.
John could you revisit the once optioned screenplays, I believe they're still fresh. I pray you do, thanks.
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Start filming random stuff that tickles your fancy - just as an active act of always filming... always thinking of what would look cool on film. It begins the momentum...
Hi John, I would highly recommend Richard Botto’s audio book for any filmmaker. You can find the link on STAGE 32. Good luck to you.
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Many Thanks, Brian and Al for your insight. Andrew I will take a look.
Its been some five years ago when I left my comment herein for John Guinn as seen thereat; But today the 9th day of August, 2023, my Screenplay titled:"The Beautiful and the Ugly" was purchased by John Guinn. Cheers brother John, and best wishes on the production of that film. Alive Screenwriting Consort appreciates your noble act.