Introduce Yourself : Let’s Collaborate by Seantelle White

Seantelle White

Let’s Collaborate

I’d love to adapt your IP into a screenplay

Molly Peck

Hi Seantelle, great enthusiasm! Have you written adapted screenplays before?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Oh, hey! That's a very generous offer, Seantelle White! Do you adapt any IP? Like Novel, comic book, podcast? Those seem to be the most popular.

Also, if this is an open invitation, then I would suggest adding it to your bio on your profile so that any visiting members can ask you about your service!

Seantelle White

To answer both questions: I have not done any adaptations. I am looking to collaborate with authors who still own the rights to their IP. I was advised that it's futile to write anything I don't own rights to.

Seantelle White

Thank you for the suggestion Karen "Kay" Ross . I am open to all of the above and will update my profile!

Gregg Guest

Hey Seantelle! I'm a Legion M investor :) Let's connect...I may be able to point you to some interesting stuff.

Neal Mac Millan

Hi Santelle nice to meet you, have experience with acting and have written a couple of scripts.

Thiago Carvalho

That looks really good. I have some projects in my profile, in case you want to see

Tabitha Baumander


Cherelynn Baker

Tabitha Baumander IP is intellectual property that you own. Good luck Seantelle and welcome to Stage 32

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