Introduce Yourself : My Name Is Ross Bartels, Photographer and Videographer by Ross Bartels

Ross Bartels

My Name Is Ross Bartels, Photographer and Videographer

Hello world within Stage 32. My name is Ross Bartels, I am a photographer and videographer in Chattanooga, TN. I started my own company, In Orbit Productions LLC, in 2014 as means to build capital and reinvest into more equipment. I went to the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga and studied Creative Writing, but even as an English Major, I always had a passion for film. I found my first job in Chattanooga as a photographer taking school portraits and sports teams. From then on, I continued working with cameras in both the photography and video industry. My work was later redirected towards concert video and photography while working for Gemini Productions LLC. When I started In Orbit Productions LLC, I wanted to combine both my photography and videography skills, building ultimately towards one day making a film that I could be proud to have made. I'm always looking to network with screenwriters, actors, sound technicians, makeup artists, models, and other cinematographers. I'm currently writing a short film that will begin early filming soon. If interested in working together, send me a message!

Izzibella Beau

Hi, Ross. Sounds as though you've been keeping busy.

Ross Bartels

Hey Izzibella! I have been, but I'm always looking to be busier!

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