Introduce Yourself : New kid in LA! by Aylam Orian

New kid in LA!

Hi there, I am an actor who recently moved to LA from NYC. I have been in this biz for 17 years now, acting in films, TV (30 Rock, America's Most Wanted, Between the Lines with Robert Downey Jr.), theatre, commercials, plus directing as well. It would be nice to collaborate on good projects! Hit me up!

Talon Callahan

Nice to meet you. I'm a new kid helping my kid. I saw your AMW credits and had to stop to say, "Hello." My son, Talon, is named after John Walsh's second son, Callahan (aka Cal). Cal and my brother were frat brothers. Anyhow, all the best in your new adventures!

Aylam Orian

Hi, thanks! interesting connection! good luck to you and your kid as well! hopefully we'll get to work together one day ;-)

Talon Callahan

Yeah, I'm continually amazed at how cliche-ishly small the world is. My son uses his first and middle name as his stage name. Seems to work. Stay in touch! Will shoot you my personal email in a private message.

Dorothy Haines

I would love to work with you on any projects that you have. Please contact me at 619 822 9715

Aylam Orian

Hi, very cool! I don't have any projects at the moment, but will let you know if I do! :-)

Dorothy Haines

Awesome that would be great.

Jonathan Medina

Hi Aylam. Your reel(s) are fantastic! Really love your work. Just moved here as well. Let me know if you're interested in talking shop. Be well, and break legs!

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