Introduce Yourself : Players without shoes by Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

Players without shoes



,"Players without shoes"

This movie is going to teach you lot about how a game is going to build the life of a person without any discrimination like caste creed religion colour above all there is a beautiful life in this world

Only sports, and education give the democratic facilities to everyone ithis earth

So if u r interested in my project u can contact me


Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Anil Kumar Welcome to the community. This is a good place to network and exchange ideas. It's not a spot to crowdfund you movie. But it's a place where you can learn how to be better successful at it. The more you give here, the more you will get from it.

Anil Kumar

Thanks for your guidance

I am here to increase my network and I am not asking about that it's an open opportunity for everyone who can join my team

That's all

Marty Howe

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, how much have you given here - and what have you got from it? Can you give me some examples.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Marty Howe You can check out my posts/etc. on my profile. I have a lot of great contacts and I collaborate on a number of things with people I have met here.

Anil Kumar

Thank you very much

Kinney Scott

give me shot im intrested email me

Anil Kumar

Thanks and welcome

Anil Kumar

This is my email address

Anil Kumar

Send me your s

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