Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Actor, Comedian by David Leo

David Leo

Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Actor, Comedian

Hello Stage 32 Community! My name is David Leo Schultz. As a writer/filmmaker I've made 7 indie feature films with worldwide distribution. I fell in love with writing/filmmaking out of the angst of being a struggling actor. I love great stories and the collaboration that makes them come alive. I look forward to connecting and collaborating! This Sizzle Reel is a Buddy Cop Comedy I hope to get made one day.

Navid Lancaster

Hello David Schultz how are you and welcome to Stage32. I am Navid Lancaster - Film Composer/Sound Designer and one of the Community Thought Leaders on this site.

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Took a look at your trailer. It's hilarious!! Loved it!!

Sent you a connection request as well. Looking forward to working with you in the future.

Regards, Navid

David Leo

Navid- thank you so much for taking the time to watch! And the complimentary kind words! I look forward to joining the other lounge conversations!

E.C. Romero

This was so funny! Great teaser, definitely something I would love to see more of!

David Leo

E.C. Romero thank you soooo much! That means a lot.

David Leo

Thank you so much Wally Wu !!

Richard Buzzell

Funny stuff.

David Leo

Thank you Richard Buzzell

Todd Ponton

Wonderful to meet you.

Sebastian DiGirolomo


Emile Nightshade

Hey there David! The sizzle reel looks amazing!

David Leo

Thank you so much @Emile

Ben Fox

Loved this! made me lol :)

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