Hi, all! My name is Joshua Scott Thomas and I've been studying the script writing process for 10 years. For 5 of those years I've directed the Carolina Film Community's Script To Screen Workshop (Mouth Full). It's a non-profit group where local authors, beginners, award winners, and produced, can receive constructive critiques from fellow writers and actors. And they love it!
On a personal note I love writing Sci-fi and am working on a trilogy. But when people ask me what kind of scripts I like to write, I always like to say, "ones that are great." After all, Sci-fi is not a genre but a place and time for your genre to take place in!
I must confess, though. I am terrible at promoting myself and selling my scripts. But I hope I can learn and change that aspect about myself.
Thanks for reading a little bit about me.
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Welcome Joshua!
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