Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter and Group Director by Joshua Scott Thomas

Joshua Scott Thomas

Screenwriter and Group Director

Hi, all! My name is Joshua Scott Thomas and I've been studying the script writing process for 10 years. For 5 of those years I've directed the Carolina Film Community's Script To Screen Workshop (Mouth Full). It's a non-profit group where local authors, beginners, award winners, and produced, can receive constructive critiques from fellow writers and actors. And they love it!

On a personal note I love writing Sci-fi and am working on a trilogy. But when people ask me what kind of scripts I like to write, I always like to say, "ones that are great." After all, Sci-fi is not a genre but a place and time for your genre to take place in!

I must confess, though. I am terrible at promoting myself and selling my scripts. But I hope I can learn and change that aspect about myself.

Thanks for reading a little bit about me.

Allen Lynch

Welcome Joshua!

Chad Stroman


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