I think I have a fabulous script but am hesitant to reveal the loglines or premise to anyone as the idea may be copied or 'stolen'. How do I go about protecting my story?
I think I have a fabulous script but am hesitant to reveal the loglines or premise to anyone as the idea may be copied or 'stolen'. How do I go about protecting my story?
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Hi Aminah, The best thing you can do to protect your specific creative work is to register it with the Writer's Guild of America (if you're in the US) and the Library of Congress Copyright Office. If you are based in a different country, you will want to register with your local copyright office. Ideas, in general, cannot be copyrighted, but companies would much rather buy your script than deal with fighting a legal battle.
If you'd like to learn more about protecting your work check out Script Clearance 101, Avoid Theft: How To Legally Protect Your Script, Idea or Project, (https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Script-Protection-and-Idea-Theft) and How to Navigate Business and Legal Affairs For Your Independent Project to Ensure It's Protected (https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Navigating-Business-and-Legal-Affairs-F...). Hope this helps!
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Hi Sam, thank you so much. Could I register my creative work with the Writer's Guild of America if I'm based outside of the US?
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elcome Aminah! Nic to meet you. Glad you're here.
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Thank you so much Matthew!
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I'm not sure if you can register your scripts with the WGA since you live outside the U.S., Aminah Farzee, but you can register your scripts with the U.S. Copyright Office if you live outside the U.S.:
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Hi Aminah, I registered my work with the U.S. Copyright Office and in my country as well (in France) to make sure my loglines and scripts are protected :)
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Hi Amina - Sam Mannetti’s recommendations are spot on. Those webinars will be really useful. Maurice and Stephanie also provide sound advice.
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Hello, Amina. I believe if it’s your life story, no one can copy without your permission. And if they do, you can take them to court. Others may correct me if I’m mistaken.
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You can't protect an idea because copyright doesn't cover it, but it will cover a script.
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FYI, you cannot copyright ideas for a script!!!!
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I've registered mine with the WGA. You could look into that and see if it helps set you at ease.
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Thanks so much for your feedback everyone.
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I notice that there is a Writer's Guild of South Africa as well. Registering a script locally in South Africa, the laws would then apply internationally as well?
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You're welcome, Aminah Farzee.
I suggest registering your scripts with the U.S. Copyright Office (or the copyright office in your country). Registering with the U.S. Copyright Office gives a script more protection than a WGA registration: www.stage32.com/blog/how-to-protect-your-script-from-theft-3210
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Maurice Vaughan is on point. I can't add any more to your question than he said.
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No one steals in reality. If it does happen it is so rare it is a statistical impossibility.
Write it as a short story then you have copyright over the story and characters. An idea cannot be copyrighted. An idea or concept is to vague to have copyright attached.
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I totally understand wanting to protect your stuff. Definitely do what Maurice advises.
But- one of the best pieces of advice I've had in the past was:
Most people aren't going to steal your story, because they think that theirs is better and more interesting.
Like Craig said, it's really unlikely.
It's definitely a trust exercise though, so whatever gets you putting your stuff out there, go for it.
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Hi Aminah my fellow Captonian, thank you for asking this. I have written many scripts and have not registered any. Mainly because I did not know how or where. Now I known. Thanks everyone.
Theft is not an issue in reality. It's rare. An idea is not copyrightable.
A suggestion to memorialize the characters and story as a short and copyright that.