Introduce Yourself : Seeking out volunteers for my short by Andri Shante Holmes

Andri Shante Holmes

Seeking out volunteers for my short

Hi all Andri here and I am the Producer for my student film (2 day shoot December 2nd & 3rd) and I am looking for volunteers in all positions. Hope you are down to help a film student. 2 Male Actors 2 Female actors DP Cinematographer Director Line Producer Editor Crew... Everyone will be fed :-).

Aziza Richards

Hi Andri, where are you located?

Deanna Scott

where r u located?

Andri Shante Holmes

Los Angeles, CA

Deanna Scott

I'd love to help but haven't the funds to get to LA right now. Seriously though, keep in touch with me for this and future projects. I'd love to volunteer if I had a way out there

Nita Storytellah Curtis

Hi Andri! Good luck with your project. I'd love to help out, but tix from Jax, FL to LA are kinda pricey right now...Hopefully we can work on something in the future =). Until then...write on...

Robin Chappell

Andri, Can you message me the particulars of what you still need? I have experience in many areas.

Andri Shante Holmes

@Nita - I appreciate the thought, yes I hope we can collaborate in the future as well.

Andri Shante Holmes

@Robin I am still looking for a female lead, do you have resources you can pass on, that would be great. As far as crew I still need everything, I can use as many volunteers as possible. May I ask what is your strongest position?

Amanda Nevarez

I can Line Produce and I have a resident MUA/Hair Stylist. My business partner does extras casting. Please contact me if you are interesting in working with us. Thanks!

American Motion Picture Institute

Hi Andri, Where are you planning to shoot?

Andri Shante Holmes

Shooting Dec 2nd & 3rd.

Rodrigo Lemos

Hi Andri. Do you need a composer/sound designer?

Melissa Caudle


April Brown

I would love to help but i am in atlanta...

Andri Shante Holmes

@Rodrigo YES I do need a sound designer / composer and editor. @Laca Burbank, California

Andri Shante Holmes

@April yes ma'am that is unfortunate. Thank you very much.

Ashley Reign

Hi there, I'm an actress and would love to take a look at the script if you're still casting,inbox me the details if so and we'll talk more!

Gonzalo Garcia Santos

Hi Andri. I'm an enthusiastic music composer. Feel free to contact me if my music likes you: Best

Zack Richardson

You can find cast and crew by posting on and, free ads in BackStage West. I live in LA and have film and video crew experience, contact me at

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