To demonstrate the brutal deadlines visual effects artists are subjected to, Corridor Digital's Jordan Allen challenges himself to difficult deadlines that push his limits in the below video. I loved watching this because it's an important reminder that what we see on the screen is affected by SO many factors happening behind the scenes that we aren't aware of as viewers. Sometimes bad effects that people mock for years, deserve a bit of credit for existing at all.
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Great post, Ashley Renee Smith. So many projects are pushed through faster than they should be if you ask the filmmakers. This is an important read.
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It's really brutal for visual effects artists, Ashley Renee Smith! I understand that companies are on schedules, but bad CGI affects profits.
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Thanks Ashley Renee Smith. I've made the same post a couple days ago in the your stage lounge, it's one of those must discussed subjects!
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This is one of their best videos. Funny, challenging, heartbreaking. I’ve dealt with these challenges even at the indie level.
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Agreed, Maurice Vaughan! It's particularly rough when the demands come from people who don't understand the craft.