I decided to go cheap and try out this editing software. Not too please with it. I'm taking advantage of its 30 day refund. I have Windows and I really don't know what editing software to use. Any recommendations?
I decided to go cheap and try out this editing software. Not too please with it. I'm taking advantage of its 30 day refund. I have Windows and I really don't know what editing software to use. Any recommendations?
This one is free and maybe will do what you need: VSDC Free Video Editor
Hey, Robert, thanks for the tip. I'll check it out and see if it gets the job done. If it doesn't work then my only other option is Adobe Premier Pro, which isn't free :(
Hi Mario, I appologize for the late reply as I see your original post was 5 months ago. If you haven't settled on anything yet (or even if you have), hopefully my suggestions will help. I have 10+ years experience and have worked on a wide variety of edit systems. If you can afford it I would say Avid Media Composer for it's features and stability, after that perhaps premiere. Personally I prefer editing in Lightworks, which does have a free version. It's a lot of fun to work in and has a simple yet highly customizable interface. If it's free you want, let me suggest Shotcut, a relatively new open source editor that is regularly updated and I think has a lot of potential. Also Blender has a built in nle which might be worth looking into that not a lot of people are aware of. Hope this helps.
Go grab Hitfilm 4 Express, it's free (www.hitfilm.com). The pro version runs $299 (if I recall)