Stumbled on this article and found it really interesting. It reveals the befores & afters just what went into the VFX work, including a detailed account of matte painting, After Effects and Blender workflow.:
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Good post, Amanda! I watched the trailer, and it looks interesting. From IMDB: In Whithren, a line of women pass a recurring dream through multiple generations. I found the title on Vudu / Fandango, so it's in my list to rent.
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Wow, after reading over of all the processes Writer/Director Nicholas Ashe Bateman learned to pull off this film, I have got a lot of work ahead of me.
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Talk about dedication Amanda Toney and the many hours of hard work that produced this gem is amazing Lindbergh E Hollingsworth & Paul Rivers
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it’s an article from 2021, but the 2D After Effects and photoshop method he describes is what I continue to use.
Just yesterday I created a windowframe from scratch, then found appropriate stock footage of trees to put behind it. (This was to go in an office scene where on set they used a green-screen in place of a window.) Then I used Mocha in AE to track the camera movements (should have been locked down!) and applied that data to the new window.
Hardest pard of all this is pulling a convincing key around the actor’s fringey hair. Green-screen is harder to deal with than most people think.
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An outdoor scene made indoors ??! Pretty amazing feat as well.
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That is very impressive indeed. With time and dedication anything is possible.