Martin Gooch shares tips to help smooth along your next production in today’s blog, like "Schedule as much time as possible for pre-production even if the first few days/weeks are just you and an assistant/producer or anyone."
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Some very helpful tips here!
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Awesome share, Maurice Vaughan. I'm a practical guy and I love tips 22 and 27. Words to produce by!
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Tips 22 and 27 are really important, Sam Sokolow. I worked to produce two movies way back (I didn't finish making them), and doing the paperwork was tedious, but it's worth it.
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Yeah, Maurice Vaughan - always tedius and always worth it becasue doing it all later is not only supremely hard but folks have you over a barrel.
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Great advice here! One everyone should take comfort in is that there is no one "right" way to go about things.