Hi All! I am located in Orange County, CA and have directed a documentary that is out on Amazon and wrote and produced a short filmed on the Warner Bros Studio lot this past summer. That was a dream come true. I have two features and a Television pilot I am developing. Looking for partners and collaborators. Scripts and reels are on my page and our website is www.elestialproductions.com I enjoy the magic of making films!
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Congrats on the Amazon distribution and shooting on WB! I just moved down the street from WB this summer, so we could have been only a few blocks apart! Is work still continuing on the short, or is that all wrapped up now?
Fantastic accomplishment, Martin.
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Thanks Richard; keep up the great work with Stage 32!
That would be cool to be close to the WB! The short is wrapped...available to view here https://youtu.be/GivdlGLIdgo
Appreciate that, Martin!
Hey Martin.....sounds like you have been very busy!!!
Super cool, I used to watch that guy for years downtown Laguna. Great man...