I know most of us are using Final Draft and love it. But for early outlining, we may prefer Word. If anyone is interested, I have created a FREE very comprehensive template for Word, called First Draft 1.3.1. You can switch from outline mode to a fully formatted script that matches default Final Draft specs with one click, and have the full power of the best word processor at your fingertips. Contact me if you'd like to give it a whirl. FREE FREE FREE.
Hey Dan, I used Courier Prime (which is free on the internet), and the page count comes out very close. Word cannot automatically generate (MORE) tags etc, so for a rough I don't manually put those in, that would be a nightmare. So it really is just for your first rough, then I copy the text, paste it in a text editor to strip out all the Word formatting, and paste it in Final Draft where you have to do some more formatting, but that goes pretty quick.
Here's how the outline mode looks Dan.
Makes use of Word's excellent outline mode, which Final Draft cannot duplicate.
Greetings Eric! That sounds awesome. I learned on Word, and people come to me often looking for the best options. I'd love to give it a try.
I do like Courier Prime.
I can send anybody the .dotx file that would like to check it out. I think msg me? Not sure how the transfer will work, but we'll figure it out.
Try this link to get the free Word screenplay template mentioned above. Not sure this will work though... https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aof2xmHfSxk6-w_jjxsRU99znrTS?e=w3Hxa7
Let me know!
I updated the instructions a bit. Here's the most current link. https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aof2xmHfSxk6-XuXVXzW2Gbuw_3P?e=kE4Wpj
Ok, enough head fakes. This is the LATEST GREATEST version...
Final Draft works fine for me. What is the incentive to me for trying something else?
Thank you Ill try it
No need to look elsewhere if Final Draft is good enough Doug, to me you've reached the summit. It's just a bit lacking to me for initial concept outlining. I always finish in Final Draft.
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FYI Final Draft will have fully integrated outlining in v.12
That will be awesome. I love every other feature. That will really polish it. And no more cut-and paste from Word. I will stay tuned.
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Hi Eric, I'm a retired newbie writer who spent my career in software. I am using your template to convert my book into a screen play. I have added 5 keyboard shortcuts to the most common elements I've been using. Let me know if you're interested.
Sure, would love to check that out, see where you added those Joe.
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Thanks Eric, this is a great template! I just tried making one the other day based on a 10 year old article by Jeffrey Scott. Yours is way better! I like the sounds of Joe's updates too. Please do post a link to your revision if you make one. Thank you!
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Glad you find it useful Missy. I look forward to seeing Joe's keyboard shortcuts.