My script was just requested after doing a written pitch several weeks ago. But yesterday I received the notes back from Scriptguru consulting service and it needs work before it hits industry eyes. However I only have 72 hours to submit the script! I want to ask for more time, but is this frowned upon?? I will get to work on it right away, but I will probably still need to hire someone to polish or proof it. That usually requires several weeks turn around time. Any advice appreciated!!
Depends upon how much work is needed, and the strictness of the requestor.
It might be a case of the requestor wondering why a script that's not ready was pitched, or they totally understand. Or somewhere else in the continuum of possibility.
All you can do is ask. Tough situation. Either way, the risk is losing the contact. I'd probably do as much as possible in the remaining time and send it in.
Good luck.
BTW, did you mean Screenplaygurus?
Hi, thanks for the feedback, they echo some of my thoughts as well. I agree with your suggestion as it's the safest route. And yes, it was Screenplaygurus. They were very thorough, and thus pointed out things the previous coverage reviewer didn't note. Therefore, I have work to do! (Although it is confusing because I added scenes based on the coverage report, which this consultant red lined. Ugh.)