Screenwriting : Am I gonna get in hot water? by Phil Richards

Phil Richards

Am I gonna get in hot water?

I don't know if this is really a problem, but... I have an idea for a story, but in order to write it I'm going to have to do a lot of mostly online research into things like bombmaking, security procedures for office buildings and other stuff like that. I'm concerned that this is going to raise flags at the NSA and/or homeland security. Am I being paranoid, and if not any suggestions on how to do my research without getting a visit from the people in the black SUvs or finding myself on a no fly list?

Bill Costantini

Yes, you're really being paranoid. And what are you really....a cop or something?

Danny Manus

I would normally say you're being paranoid BUT... stranger things have happened.

William Martell

Welcome to the club! (so far, nobody from the NSA has contacted me... though they may be waiting for me to lead them to the mastermind or something)

Phil Richards

Just for the record; no, Bill, I'm not a cop. Also, although it might sound like it from this post, I'm not a conspiracy theory nut. It's just that I've seen a lot of things in the news the last few years about the NSA datamining program and I was concerned that certain words might trip a switch in an algorithm and focus attention on me. Maybe I've been watching too many movies. No wait that can't be it, you can never watch too many movies. Oh, and Emily, thanks for the compliment, but it might be more of a testament to my skills as a photographer than my actual appearance.

Linda Bradshaw-Rogers

Phil, some features are very subjective (blowing up the White House, igniting WWIII, etc.). However, the freedom of speech gives us a right to express ourselves in print. Go for it!

Bill Costantini

I was just ribbing you, Phil. I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, and firmly believe everything the government officially says, without question. But you know, I'm not too far away from Area 51, and all of the other different numbered areas in the Nevada desert. There's like 30 or so of them. I coulda sworn I saw Elvis, Howard Hughes and a purple alien walking around at Area 6 last month, but I think I was just having dream. Yeah, that's it. A dream. Heh-heh.

Phil Richards

Bill, I was reading your last comment and I think there's a movie in there somewhere.

Katt Tolley

I recommend you use a proxy/VPN, hack into your neighbours' internet, or go to a public library or Starbucks to do your research.

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