Screenwriting : An idea... looking for collaborators by Bryan DeWeese

Bryan DeWeese

An idea... looking for collaborators

Hey Everyone, I have an idea that I would like to complete and I am looking for collaborators on this as I seem to need other input to get it completed. I have starting writing the screenplay/story several times and though I seem to have it mostly formed in my head, I find it hard to get past the middle of act 2 even thought I think I know how act 3 should go. My tentative title(for lack of a better one) has been “Super-Villain” and if I were to write a log line on it: This is a story about a child who grew up in oppressed circumstances who discovers she has “super” powers and determines to TAKE all she can from society even if she destroys the world in the process. Anyway, I’m interested in collaborating. Yes, this might sound like other such stories but there are no superheroes to stop her per se and I think the challenge could be a really interested “human spirit” kind of story… and there would a fair amount of cool characters and special effects to work with… Is anyone interested in working on and making this feature? If you are in Utah, that is a plus but I’m willing to work remotely too. If not, oh well, I have lots of other ideas I can work on. Cheers, Bryan

Tabitha Baumander

very X men as plots go. You need to work on some hook to make it different.

Bryan DeWeese

Tabitha, thanks for responding... I think the difference will come in where there exists no "x-men" or super vehicles/technology per se to stop her and a group of law enforcement must stop her without any "super" powers.... in reality, anything can be related to something else but to be honest, this story would be more like an episode of CSI with a "super-villain"

Bryan DeWeese

Maybe a better log line would be "Team of law enforcement professionals tracking a string of unexplained crimes comes face to face with a villain that has unexplained powers and who will stop at nothing to get everything she ever wanted!"

Tabitha Baumander

plot wise every yin has to have its yang. you've got a moriarity figure wheres your sherloc?

Tabitha Baumander

ok that description is more organized but my above comment stands. you need a Sherlock

Bryan DeWeese

Yes. the challenge will be creating a Sherlock or protagonist from within the team but more then that the challenge is how can a group of "mere mortals" working together defeat a "god"

Bryan DeWeese

by the way I would definitely NOT call my antagonist a moriarty figure... moriarty and Sherlock had a connection that made them nemesis' but this story would focus more on the villain as an insurmountable evil that must be overcome. I hope this helps

Antonia Jones-Hackley

I would like to help. I'll brainstorm a little and get back with you.

David George Sears

Expanding on Sunday's idea: What if the man that begins to fall in love with her was somebody that was sent in to find a weakness and exploit it? Along with the character development of the guy (exposing her to loving her) you get to see the human side of this evil villain.

Bryan DeWeese

David and Sunday, thank you for responding and your comments! To be honest, I do NOT want to make this a love story of any type. I prefer this concept as a test of wills, the "man against a god" type of concept. but what you describe might be appropriate for some other movie. the characters I have fleshed out so far in my work have had relationship side stories and the like but not one directly with the antagonist except for the reason they are thrown together IE good vs evil.

Kirby Mason

Overall, sounds much more like "The Exoricist" than anything resembling X-men or Holmes/Moriarty. So, what makes the Exorcist work? Well, the "devil inside" concept lets us separate the innocent girl from the evil demon. The priest who does the exorcism is a protagonist but hardly a hero like Superman, 007 or even John McClane (Diehard). Maybe a similar structure can be developed, but it sounds like the evil god-girl is going to lose in the end to the good guys so that is problematic. Who/what is the audience rooting for? The girl to explore her evil power but ultimately mend her ways? The good guys to defeat/kill evil, simple as that? If it's simply good vs. evil, then we need a real hero on the good side who is a serious protagonist. In this case, they story must revolve at least 50% around him. We won't care about his struggle or even believe he can do it if all the attention is on the girl and her situation. If the girl doesn't lose/get killed, then it has to end in a way that is acceptable though - leave earth, go into hibernation for 1000 years or make a tentative truce with mortals.

Kirby Mason

Another example to consider might be "Hancock" with a sort of anti-hero who gets his sh*t together in the end.

Bryan DeWeese

Thanks for your response Kirby! I like the observations you have made! I believe the Key here is that the protagonist does not always need to be ONE hero/person. and a good protagonist usually has demons of their own but one that the audience can relate with so I have chosen a team to be my protagonist... with the leader of that team perhaps being the one antagonist(if it must be confined to one) but the team as a unit truly are the protagonist, if that makes sense. Now as far as the girl "losing in the end" or "ultimately mending her ways" or "leaving earth/hibernating fo 1000 years/making a truce with mortals" I've got a tiny bit of a twist in that category that I hope will sell the whole gag... i'm not sure yet but I hope so. we'll see. Cheers, Bryan

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