I paid what I felt was a highly regarded company to write coverage for my screenplay. I had several questions for them. Then when I was ready to proceed, I was told my money was being refunded. They didn't have time to do it right now, try later in the month. Is this typical of critique companies? Can you recommend good companies for coverage? I've written 17 novels for major publishers and I'm now adding screenwriting to what I write. I studied screenwriting while earning my MFA.
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That was nice of them to give you a refund and not put you on the back burner for a month. Kudos to them....whoever they are....for being so righteous. And KUDOS to you for writing 17 novels. Patricia Jean is a North Carolina Writing God!
Hey Bill, only my dad called me Patricia Jean. Patty is fine. lol! I'm very fortunate to have broken into writing at just the right time with just the right proposal. I hope to do that well as a screenwriter.
It's probably as Bill says, because they decided they can't take on more work. But offering an extension should be a courtesy, one would think.
Danny Manus looks perfect, if available. Thank you, Dan, and Bill for the nice kudo too!
You may be right, David. Thank you!
I recommend swapping scripts instead of paid services. Screenwriters, including the many on Stage32, will offer the same feedback for no cost. Some will take longer than consultants; others will never get back to you; but the majority are useful and provide insightful feedback. I'm also a published prose author. Please contact me if you'd like to swap scripts. My email address is tonycella37@gmail.com.
These guys are great for the money. Only $65 and you get 5 pages of concise notes within 48-72 hours. https://www.wescreenplay.com/ ..... My scripts have improved considerably using them and you can send questions directly to your reviewer within two weeks of the feedback.
Antoine, they're getting some negative reviews. But thank you!
Specscout.com. You get three reads. They're tough and they're good!
Hi Patty! I'll admit to being a bit biased, but I'd say you don't even have to leave the Stage 32 site to get the best coverage around! I coordinate our Happy Writers Coverage services, and through us you can get coverage from our Industry Readers (all working professionals in the industry - not always the case elsewhere), and/or working industry executives! One of the great things about our executive coverage, since you're looking to break in, is that your script is being read both for feedback and consideration by any exec you choose. Click here to check out everything we offer: https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers/coverage?affid=MHW. If you have any questions at all, shoot me an email at matt@stage32.com!
I'll check out specscout.com, Phillip. Dan, if you mean it, you got a deal. My novel Fallen Angels has a pretty large male readership, and that series is the one that readers have begged me to make into a movie or TV series. So I plan that in the near future. hickmanbooks@att.net
Thanks, Matt!
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Hello Patricia: If someone takes on your script for coverage, they should finish the job and be able to tell you in writing what are your strengths and weaknesses and provide reasons for that, as well look at the fundamentals of the script and provide you with a scorecard looking something like this. Formatting Characters Inciting Incident Plot Points Opening ten pages Protagonist Antagonist Turn Around Dialogue Punctuation Story concept Structure Pacing Conflict Tone Marketability Overall Score
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Patty - not to self-promote myself, but I've been covering scripts for over 20 years and learned from some of the best in the business. Come to me last with your best offer from my competitors and I'll beat it. I can cover a script in less than 24 hours. Straight color or multi-color covers...patterns....you name it, I do it. You want a suede cover? Done! Leopard print? I've done over 100 of them. Fur? Fur sure! I did a dirt cover once for a farmer in Kansas, and he loved it. I also can make covers out of minerals, and am having a Quartz and Granite Labor Day Special that you don't want to miss. Gold dust takes a few days, though, and is well worth the wait. Any fabric...any color...any time! A talking cover, a video cover, or a cover that takes you to Saturn? Hi-tech chip imprints, 3-D, and Time Travel Covers are my specialty. Naugahyde vinyl? I am the Naugahyde Vinyl Script Cover King of Planet Earth! You deserve the best, Patty - get your credit card ready and let's get you coooooo-vered!
Patricia, I'd be happy to work with you. As a former exec, a writer, and a well known script consultant, im confidant i have the experience to help guide you and help your projects. feel free to email me! thanks Dan for the memtion!
Sheila Gallien is wonderful, funny, thorough and gifted.