Screenwriting : Do some people really write for this reason alone? by Victor Titimas

Victor Titimas

Do some people really write for this reason alone?

I've read this over and over again as a warning against trying to do this, which made me think...Are there people who write screenplays just because they think it's a way to get very rich really fast?:(

Stevan Šerban

Wow! If you have the skill and know well that tell a story, why not!

Stevan Šerban

If you know how to make the best airplane in the world, why do not you sell it for $ 200M?

CJ Walley

I think any sector that's seen as highly lucrative attracts its share of people looking for quick easy money. But I don't believe this issue is as common as we perceive it to be. Many of us seem to suffer this outlook that there is this shadowy army of 'them'; the screenwriters who are hacks, in it for the wrong reasons, kidding themselves, and ruining it for everybody else. But we tend to draw the line in the sand right under ourselves and our friends while arguing that our dreams are realistic, our need for exposure is valid, and our craft is worthy. We're all motivated in different ways and to be a writer is inherently to be a dreamer. I don't believe that someone who actually sits down and writes with the intent to a fast sizable return is necessarily greedy and lazy, just passionate and naive. Someone who thinks they can just sell an idea or expects someone to do the hard work for them, that's perhaps getting more toward self entitlement. I also think that quite often those who feel the need to reinforce these kind of statements are trying to cleanse their own conscious and bank some karma. They are almost always the same writers who complain the industry doesn't pay enough, fast enough, to enough people while fascinated by their potential earnings and the earnings of others. It's the same with the fame and glory thing.

Mike Romoth

I would say there are a tiny handful of very well-connected, well-established, well-liked movie industry insiders who can get away with this. But an outsider or an unknown? As every single contributor on S32 knows, you have to bust your ass over and over, and face merciless rejections over and over...just to get a chance of someone looking at your work. You have to love this profession to get anywhere with it, because the road is too damned difficult for people looking for a soft ride and easy success.

David Levy

Some do, yes. Many believe they can take a fast track to success. Some can depending on their track record and where they have worked. Others might have never written before.

Stevan Šerban

A little luck buying a plane ticket for a trip that should move on foot!

Christopher Chance

Much the same sentiment as playing the lottery - you can only win if you do it. Get the numbers right and BINGO! But if you are a dedicated writer and you have the skills and the STORIES to write a screenplay, you do have a chance, but I have my doubts about "getting rich really fast". If that's your reasoning keep playing the lottery.

Michael Lee Burris

It's a grueling task to make a decent living, yet enjoyable; is the way I look at it.

Mary Cybriwsky

If you're not writing from a place of passion, your writing will never come across as passionate and will not garner the attention it needs

LindaAnn Loschiavo

Are there people who go into ACTING because they think acting is a way to get rich really fast?

Danny Manus

There are definitely people who do it for that reason. most learn quickly the reality of the situation though.

Michael Lee Burris

Mary I understand what and why you say what you do but another aspect you may want to explore is "High Concept". There are various pros that say right of the bat it is a mistake to write with such mindset. A lot depends on why you write and what you aspire for too. I can't imagine writers for such networks like lifetime movie network writing without some kind of passion. It can work the opposite I believe Mary when the passion of the writing is foregone and purpose of characters shine through.

Trey Wickwire

I think that people who are writing specifically for monetary gain are likely to get frustrated at the work involved then quit. But anyone who sticks with it has a chance, no matter what their motivations are. Perseverance is the key to success, not motive, maybe not even talent judging by what I have seen on the screen.

Chanel Ashley

There is no doubt that some people see this as an avenue to easy, quick money - some are deluded and fall by the wayside, but some also have the talent and ability to do exactly that - geez, wish I was part of the latter.

Edith Woi

I write because I think the stuff I put out is damn smokin' :-)

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