So basically some of you understand the sentence even that is wrong,some of you are wondering what is "pull of his gun". No worries "grab his gun" Beth Fox Heisinger I'm not a mind reader (still) so explain why I lost you at beautiful.
Viktor, to answer your question... you lost me at "beautiful" because it is limiting, certainly for female characters. Plus it does not tell me anything—contextually, creatively, and objectively speaking. And for some reason, it either gives her value as an object to possess or gives odd justification for violence. That's not mind reading, that's just what is in that sentence.
I'll go with : When he realizes how beautiful she is, he grab his gun and shot the guy in to the head. (jealousy)
The idea was to made up your own story. We don't know the whole idea so we can go whatever we want.
Beth Fox Heisinger in general you are absolutely right, but in this case "how beautiful she is" is a significant key to the sentence, because shows that this girl means something big to the character, and in most cases people do stupid criminal things because they are in love or they are jealous.
Pamela Bolinder Thanks for the kind words. My English is not perfect but I'm trying my best.
Well "realize: gives you more options to think about. It could be that the character knows the girl for a few months but just now he understand something about her that made him realize how beautiful she is,because beauty is not only a visual thing. There is no one way here, its open to have many interpretations.
This is the sort of exercise that helps writers develop storylines - really quite a valuable process. What if your character is a male who has undergone the long transformation to become a female - he looks in a mirror and sees how beautiful he has become. Now he's a beautiful woman but realizes that he can never become a true woman - he's lost his male identity and does not have a female identity. S/he grabs a gun and....
When he realizes how beautiful she is, he grab his gun and shot away her demons and murdered the excruciating past that was left behind her, He took her hand and fled to the nearest city to give his heart to the beautiful women to heal
Shots in the air angrily.
He cries, because he knows he will never meet a girl like that again. Not just physical beauty, but the behavior, the way she thinks, everything..
And.... cut. Places everyone... take 2. Action!
You lost me at "beautiful." Not sure what "he pull of his gun" means? And... I don't think I want to know. Lol!
Puts the barrel to his head and pulls the trigger. CLICK. She emptied the chamber.
mmmmh pull of his gun......gun as in gun literary or the gun my pervert side of my brain is thinking.
So basically some of you understand the sentence even that is wrong,some of you are wondering what is "pull of his gun". No worries "grab his gun" Beth Fox Heisinger I'm not a mind reader (still) so explain why I lost you at beautiful.
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It's an odd sentence.
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Viktor, to answer your question... you lost me at "beautiful" because it is limiting, certainly for female characters. Plus it does not tell me anything—contextually, creatively, and objectively speaking. And for some reason, it either gives her value as an object to possess or gives odd justification for violence. That's not mind reading, that's just what is in that sentence.
I'll go with : When he realizes how beautiful she is, he grab his gun and shot the guy in to the head. (jealousy)
The idea was to made up your own story. We don't know the whole idea so we can go whatever we want.
Beth Fox Heisinger in general you are absolutely right, but in this case "how beautiful she is" is a significant key to the sentence, because shows that this girl means something big to the character, and in most cases people do stupid criminal things because they are in love or they are jealous.
Pamela Bolinder Thanks for the kind words. My English is not perfect but I'm trying my best.
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and throws it in the sea, seeing the beauty of she, the sea, he walks into it, into the arms of his love. His total love. they total love.
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Mark Heartford great you escape the criminal action. Like it.
Well "realize: gives you more options to think about. It could be that the character knows the girl for a few months but just now he understand something about her that made him realize how beautiful she is,because beauty is not only a visual thing. There is no one way here, its open to have many interpretations.
This is the sort of exercise that helps writers develop storylines - really quite a valuable process. What if your character is a male who has undergone the long transformation to become a female - he looks in a mirror and sees how beautiful he has become. Now he's a beautiful woman but realizes that he can never become a true woman - he's lost his male identity and does not have a female identity. S/he grabs a gun and....
When he realizes how beautiful she is, he grab his gun and shot away her demons and murdered the excruciating past that was left behind her, He took her hand and fled to the nearest city to give his heart to the beautiful women to heal