Screenwriting : First Script Written by Bethany Brandt

Bethany Brandt

First Script Written


I just wrote and plan on filming my first script! I will shoot a commercial and a short before filming this one just to gain some experience in shooting. However, it is geared to a feature length movie and I'm not sure I can pull this off on my shoestring budget. I see a lot of stuff on the internet, but thought you guys would know best...If I can't shoot this film myself, how do I shop/sell my script to someone who will produce it?

Thanks guys

Craig D Griffiths

You have asked the question every spec writer asks. How do I sell it? There are plenty of threads answering this, read those and see if anything works for you. Good luck.

Kelly Krause

Hi, Bethany! Have you considered joining the 'Financing/Crowdfunding' Lounge on Stage 32? I'm a fledgling writer myself, but it sounds like your biggest concern is budget. Take some time to determine what the project budget will be (keeping in mind payment for crew members, actors, transportation, any equipment/supplies etc.)... If you have friends in the industry who are willing to work with/help you at a discounted rate (maybe even for free?), then that could cut costs. RE equipment, you can put together a 'wish list' and ask friends/family to donate those items you need. Leverage your personal network! You can even score your film for free or at low cost using CC Licensed music (via SoundCloud, Jameno and CCmixter). The Stage 32 'Financing/Crowdfunding' Lounge will have even more tips and tricks to reach your budget goal, and you'll hopefully be able to shoot the film yourself, with crew in tow of course. ; ) Congrats on completing your first script and best of luck! : )

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