Screenwriting : Happy New Year to my fellow writers (and my goals for 2023) by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Happy New Year to my fellow writers (and my goals for 2023)

Here’s wishing all my fellow writers a happy new year. May 2023 be a year of fulfilling your goals.

My goals in the coming year, are:

1. To make my November Write Club script, “Breathe” in the US. To reach this goal I firstly need to find a US Producer in the area that it will be filmed. Thanks to the Stage32 staff for their wisdom on this.

2. Just over the Christmas holidays, I was contacted (greatly surprised!) by my faithful Producer for the “Seeing Rachel” film. We may be getting a new Producer coming on board and I will be introduced to her in this new year of promise. I’m pretty chilled about this, as “Seeing Rachel” has had such a tortured past, but I’ll keep you appraised of any progress.

3. To make the necessary edits to my dystopian novel “0w1:believe” and re-release it on Apple Books and Kobo. One reader came back to me and had found two typos and so the OCD writer in me wants it sorted. It just irritates the heck out of me to know they are there. I also will be publishing it under a new label for my work on the World of 0w1 series, so there will be a new logo. If any of you know a good ebook formatter/editor, please drop me a line.

4. Last year, we spent a lot of time on recording an audiobook entitled, “Journey Into Oneness’, a mystical, contemplative book of poetry and short stories which feed into the backstories of “0w1:believe”.

I fell fairly sanguine about 2023, but as was proved by its predecessor, the road is long and winding and has many obstacles. I’m posting this because I need your support and encouragement. If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a community to produce a film.

What are your goals this year, fellow writers.

Wishing you the best in 2023,


Geoff Hall

Here’s the link to the Seeing Rachel project:

Stephanie Munch

Amazing Geoff ! Keep us update about "Seeing Rachel"! My goals are to polish and sell the script I finished during the November Write Club "Looking for Sally" - work on my new horror script with a fellow makeup artist and collaborate on a script with someone I met here on Stage 32 ! Have a wonderful and creative year you all

Maurice Vaughan

It's great to hear an update on “Seeing Rachel,” Geoff Hall! Congratulations on all of your success!

My goals for 2023 are to finish up a rewriting job, finish some jobs that I have lined up, pitch projects, sell two feature scripts, sell a virtual game show, and sell some short scripts. I'll probably have mini goals too.

Hope you continue to have success in 2023! Same for everyone! :D

Wayne Cothron

You have a Happy New Year as well Geoff Hall

James Heggs

Sounds great. Best of luck in 2023

Tasha Lewis

Congratulations! Great start! Let me know how I can help!

Geoff Hall

Thanks, everyone. Will endeavour to bring some good news your way.

Geoff Hall

Stephanie Munch thanks, Stephanie! Great to hear of another November Write Club script moving towards getting made.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thanks Maurice! Sounds like you have a busy year ahead of you. I wish you all the best.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff. Yeah, this year is going to be BUSY. Thanks!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Geoff: I wish you great success in the coming year.

Shellie Schmals

Happy New Year Geoff Hall!! I love all these goals - so ambitious!!

Geoff Hall

Haha! Shellie, some would call it madness…

Geoff Hall

Wayne Cothron thank you Wayne. May you create many great things in 2023. What are you working on at the moment?

Jim Boston

Happy 2023 to you, Geoff! are my two major goals for this year:

1. Start four screenplays by this coming December.

2. Make (at the very least) one pitch a month. To that end, I've started taking a weekly look at Stage 32's jobs page...and I'm out to do a better job of using IMDB Pro as a resource to find producers/directors who've worked on movies my own scripts (somewhat) resemble.

Here's wishing you all the VERY BEST...especially with "Breathe" and "Seeing Rachel!"

Geoff Hall

Jim (tagging isn’t working) thank you and Happy New Year. Wow, that’s a full year ahead of you! Four screenplays? Have you already researched and outlined them?

And thank you for your good wishes for “Breathe” and “Seeing Rachel”. I’ll keep you posted on progress. All the best.

Wayne Cothron

Well, Geoff Hall I've just signed up for IMDB pro so that I can meet agents, managers, producers, and get my work out there to the right people.

What are you working on for 2023

Jim Boston

Geoff, I've gotten as far as a list of six plot points for one of the screenplays I want to launch this year ("Playing for Pride," about a schoolteacher in the mid-1930s who wants to start a symphony orchestra)...and I want to get started on an actual outline for it by the end of this month.

And as 2023 gains traction, I'll work on establishing plot points (and, later, outlines) for the other three projects. One script's going to be called "The Street Piano Kid," where a teenager works to get those colorfully-painted instruments put on the streets of modern-day Las Vegas (America's last major holdout city!). That one's going to involve a murder, too.

Still rolling the dice on the other two...and working to choose between a project where two modern-day friends (an office worker and a food server) chuck it all away to become truck drivers, a screenplay involving a struggling TV station in 1957 Boston, the story of an ex-slave in 1865 buying a riverboat (!) and seeking passengers, and a script in which a present-day college student deals with her shyness by becoming a weightlifter.

Soon as I get plot points together, the research on each project will begin...and in fact, the dirt on "Playing for Pride" has already begun (even if piecemeal right now).

Thank you for all that you do...and all the VERY BEST to you!

Maurice Vaughan

You have some really interesting ideas, Jim. I really like the "two modern-day friends (an office worker and a food server) chuck it all away to become truck drivers" idea and the "ex-slave in 1865 buying a riverboat (!) and seeking passengers" idea. Best to you on them and your goals! Best to everyone on their goals!

Geoff Hall

Jim wow, that’s some great work you are doing. I see you like musical themes. Does that stem from a family history of music lovers/talented instrumentalists?

I too like the riverboat story and can’t wait for updates in the coming year. Keep going, Jim, it’s going to be a productive year.

Geoff Hall

Wayne Cothron Hi Wayne, what am I working on?

Well right at this moment in time, I’m working on episode 2 of the ‘Imperium’ series. It’s called ‘Cut’ and it’s about familial abuse.

I had no intention of writing anything further to what I’d written in 2022, but the other night I put my head on the pillow and hey presto, I see every scene to the end of the episode.

To cut a long story short, the next morning I got out my trusty pen and notebook and wrote for a solid 1 1/2 hours. No extensive dialogue, mostly action bullet points from the images I saw in my head, along with descriptions and my usual witticisms.

Today, I’ll be following that with a session on FD, to get it down and tight. (It may take longer than a day!) Then I’ll go through the whole script and check for typos, continuity problems and pacing.

And I thought I had enough with my broad goals, above, but hey, who am I to say no to a little inspiration?

Geoff Hall

Wayne Cothron oh, and well done on the IMDb Pro front. Let me know if it’s worth it, please.

Jim Boston

Maurice and Geoff, thanks bunches for the shout-outs!

Well, that tears it on what the other two projects I'm going to take on this year will addition to writing "Playing for Pride" and "The Street Piano Kid," I'm going to work on "Fuller's Folly," where that former slave in 1865 buys a riverboat and looks for passengers; and "Long Way," in which a food server and an office worker seek to become modern-day truckers.

Me, the thing is...I was born into a family of listeners rather than a family of performers [although Dad spent a few years of his childhood (the mid-1930s) trying to play the violin and my older brother played guitar and sax in an R&B band during his teenage years (the mid-to-late 1960s)].

And after a false start in the mid 1960s, I didn't latch on to performing until 1976, when I decided to give the piano another chance (and got hooked). But I've always loved music...and tried to reflect that since taking up screenwriting.

After all, music touches all our lives in one way or another.

Geoff, you're right about 2023 being a productive year...and I can't wait to get cracking on it! (And I wish you and Maurice and the whole Stage 32 group all the VERY BEST!)

Wayne Cothron

I've got some IMDBpro news for Geoff Hall

I got in touch with a manager on IMDBpro and am having an intro call with him this week.

Here's hoping this is a positive step and I don't mess it up.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Wayne Cothron! :D Hope the call goes great! I'm updating my IMDb Pro profile now.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jim. I remember you talking about "Fuller's Folly" in another post. I really want to see the movie! :D I picture it like "12 Years a Slave" on a river.

Geoff Hall

Wayne Cothron hey Wayne! That’s great. Keep us informed about how it goes, please. Did you cold call the guy/gal?

Wayne Cothron

No. We've mostly been talking through e mail.

Should I call them or wait for them to set up a Zoom call?

Geoff Hall

Wayne Cothron Hi Wayne, if you have an intro call, why not ask for a Zoom call during it, to discuss projects?

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