Success Stories: AUG'3 I made the semi finals tonight...

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

I made the semi finals tonight...

I'm not sure where I'm supposed to post this... but I made the semi finals in the screenwriting competition here on Stage 32 ... announced tonight. So stoked, I can't tell you. It means a lot to me. Never give up...

Diane Morton-Gattullo


Brittany Haigler

That's great Sylvia! I'm new here, but that's good to hear. Congrats!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

New? Oh, then WELCOME Brittany... you're going to love it. I've been a member since 2012... watch RBs monthly broadcast to the members... or if you go to the blog page you can watch his past webinars... he explains how to get around the site, etc. His guest speakers are always fascinating as well.

Richard "RB" Botto

Sylvia, if there's anyone deserving of celebrating, it's you. I know how much time and effort you dedicate to your craft. Not to mention your selfless spirit in helping others in this community. I'm simply thrilled for you!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Oye Hombrecito.... Thank you so much for your kind words, RB. With you at the helm... I count my blessings all the time that Stage 32 even exists for all creatives from all around the world. You did that... Where would we all be if you hadn't envisioned what was needed? I would still be in my own little bubble up here in Toronto. xoxo

Richard "RB" Botto

Ah, well thank you Sylvia. But I just created the platform, you took the initiative, took the courses, put in the time and worked on your craft. All credit to you!

Lindsay Thompson

Congrats on such a great achievement! How exciting!

Stephen Barber

I'm very proud of you, Sylvia! Be kind to yourself because you deserve it!

James Drago

Good for you, Sylvia!!!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you everyone. Appreciate your support. xo

Daniel Thornton

Yyou are on the path to success. Congrats, I hope to accomplish goals like this real soon. I film music video production in Miami. Looking to network with creative people on this website. Best of luck to all your future endeavors

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you Daniel... and you will accomplish your goals... never give up.

Daniel Thornton

thanks i appreciate the kind words. See you at the top my friend

David Beard

Excellent, congratulations :)

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you David. Congrats to you as well for all your accomplishments. I'm impressed you have your own Studio... that's amazing.

Benjamin Pearce

That's amazing!

Jonah Jones

Congratulations Sylvia.

Randy Mars

Huge congrats!!

Ashley Moore


Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

@ Randy... thanks Randy @ Ashley... thank you.

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