Hello My Writing Friends, I had pitched to two managers on WEDNESDAY and I felt that they didn't go quite as I hoped. I thought I could feel that neither of them would have anything good to say, and so I was discouraged. But I waited for feedback and while I have not received feedback from one of the managers, the one I DID receive feedback from was GREAT. He did PASS, but he gave me great notes that i will incorporate into my pitch going forward. Just wanted to share that and tell everyone to keep pitching and be open to GOOD advice.
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You'll learn you can never tell what their response will be. I've had that as well where it felt really good and I expected a positive response only to get sent on my way. I've also had the opposite happen where I was gasping for breath and spent a day kicking myself only to get a request. Don't try to out guess them on your pitch. Just keep going.
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You're right, D A Stenard! Gotta keep pitching and being open to good advice. I'm glad the feedback was GREAT!
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D A Stenard Old dusty sun takes me with its rays to cut through that hill, where the darkness is. Perhaps its brightness will illuminate something wonderful behind those shadows. keep writing...
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Key is to not take anything personal. Most of the time, the people you are pitching to are not going to do anything for your career anyhow. It's more so for the practice of it, so when a legit opportunity arises, you're ready to go!
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Thanks for this. This is encouraging. It helps to rid some of the nerves surrounding pitching.
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Hey D A Stenard - Great post! I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. And you're right, even though you received a pass the good feedback is valuable. Soon those passes will turn into requests!