Screenwriting : It never ends... by Vivian Grey

It never ends...

Does anyone have this problem where your work never seems finished? I have several screenplays I've completed but every time I go back to re-read, I make changes or updates. Not major changes to the story structure, but maybe changing the dialogue a bit or the description. And worst of all, as soon as I get a script request, I send out the "final" that I think is the final... and then few days later, I re-read the script and I'm devastated. I want to make changes. Am I the only one who does this?

Theresa Clark

Hi Vivian, You're a creative person who always have something new to "bring to the table". So, yes... I've been there. Easier said than done, but your characters have said what they had to say... gone through their journeys. After my revisions, what's meant to be is meant to be. Carry on to the next vision. (Those are the words I say to myself when I'm thinking too hard and being hard on myself). On the flip side, and to make us both feel better, there are many successful scripts that's been revised numerous times before production.

Vonnie P. Davis

For my screenplays as well as my poetry and articles I've written, I constantly edit. (I even edit my posts in threads!!! Just a habit for me.

David Ashutosh

A friend who has sold some scripts says "You are never finished with your script, but there will come a point where you are ready to be finished." Scripts tend to be in process even after they are sold. People see things in a script they connect to, but often know it needs reworking and it tends to be edited and rewritten sometimes by various writers along the way even if they don't get credit formally for the writing - unless they do a high percentage of additional content on the project.

Richard M. Novosak

I re-read my old scripts and find sometimes glaring continuity or other problems that I correct. The time a read a script of mine and read from beginning to end without ammendment or correction is the time I can send it to my firends and fellow writers to find out what I missed. My brother is an artist who once said to me: "As soon as you see your work as perfect, you become a tradesman only able to produce the same thing over and over."

DJ Wightman

YES! I have completed 6 plays & a short, but my biggest story, well, its become my 4th child - its taken THAT much work. The story spins & then I nail it down, get feedback, it bends - I am too far gone to abandon it so am looking into getting help. Best of luck! Story Tellers of the World, UNITE!

Drew Warren Delaine

Hello everyone, I'm kind of new to the community and I've recently found time to get my profile up. I'm currently shopping two features and working on another. I have utilized this site's script services and webinars, which are AWESOME! Additionally, I write and produce music. I look forward to working with the Stage 32 community going forward.

T.L. Davis

Not even close. Novels, screenplays, everything I would rewrite until I ran out of computer-generated ink, but there is a time when I change back to what has already been changed, I cut myself off, like a drunk at a bar and start sending it out.

Drew Warren Delaine

You know it's funny you've got those that present an idea without stroking a key and it becomes a film, tv show , etc. With me I just continue to write put it out there and keep it moving.

T.L. Davis

They ain't us.

Drew Warren Delaine

Lol! That's right

Rolando Gómez

“The only kind of writing is rewriting.” -- Ernest Hemingway

Rosalind Winton

10% inspiration, 90% rewrites. That's what writing in any genre is really about :)

Anthony Moore

I use the three strike rule. After I've re-written a script three times, I bench it. Put it away in a drawer until I've written at least three more screenplays. Only then am I allowed to go back and re-read my own work. And trust me, I've been horrified by a couple of my earlier scripts. Only then can a true re-write begin.

Tasha Lewis

Create that wrap up each script. If make further changes, number them version 1, 2, 3, etc. Ask the reader/reviewer which version they request.

Doug Nelson

This reader reads whatever the studio or agent pays me to read.

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