I've been thinking since I watched a trailer for the kid King. Why did 20thcenturyfox invest $ 60 million in this cliché? It's already crashed with 32.1 million earnings. Didn't really the Fox executives see that this movie sucks?
I've been thinking since I watched a trailer for the kid King. Why did 20thcenturyfox invest $ 60 million in this cliché? It's already crashed with 32.1 million earnings. Didn't really the Fox executives see that this movie sucks?
If you got that impression just from the trailer, maybe it was the trailer that was bad. Poor trailers can account for poor ticket sales, even for a good film. The movie was reviewed well by a majority of critics (89% on RT), though many said they liked it because it wasn’t awful, and sometimes that’s all a kid’s movie needs to be: pleasantly tolerable.
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i remember when rocketman with Harland Williams came out - I actually really enjoyed it but it was a kids film that under performed for whatever reasons. Kids films can be hard genre. I hope one day just to get a chance for my family film script G.I BRO (Goonies meets Iron Eagle) gets bought, made and then pulled apart in forums like this.
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Why do you care how much FOX/Disney spends on their movies? It's not your money and it's not your business. If you don't like their product, don't buy a ticket.
The same goes for the reboot of Total Recall, Conan, RoboCop. Studios thought it would be a success like in the 80's.
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Well if all these studios eat up each other it’s less jobs. Just waiting for Disney to be our new overlords lol
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The film was well-rated by most critics, and the two families that I know who saw it back in January loved it.
The box office situation obviously could have been better, and the results reflect all of the competition (theatrical or non-theatrical); release date strategies; and marketing strategies. Some do well, and some don't.
I'd ask you if you actually saw it, but you said you based your "it sucks" opinion on only the trailer, and you don't exactly look like you were in the target audience, either.
Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, Bager!
“Film is the most important art and it has the power to change the universe.”— Milos Stehlik
REST IN PEACE, MILOS STEHLIK (February 6, 1949 - July 6, 2019)
Kids films also have a library value which other films don’t. The Lion King was released every 5-10 years with a new DVD print.