Hi all, I just finished my script, La Famille, and I'm very proud to have completed it. In short, this is the recounting of a Cajun woman's family history. Dawn, the main character, tells the stories of the strong women of her family to her younger daughter, Samantha, on the occasion of her 60th birthday. The film consists of 5 main woman characters, including Dawn. I have some edits to do, but I have it mostly pretty solid and registered with the Writer's Guild. The biggest challenge is that I want much of the dialogue in Cajun French. A lot of it is in English, but I believe in having people speak the actual language they spoke. I'd like to get the script polished and get together a serious production team. I have some ideas as to whom I would contact, but am really new to producing things. The estimated budget is $8 million. My future plans are to have a series of two hour TV (or Hulu) episodes after the film recounting the further adventures of Dawn's family. This will begin with a two-hour film about the sixth main character mentioned heavily in the film but not seen. This may take a while. Any advice, collaboration, or people who would like to give me script feedback are welcome. Merci.
Congratulations on the completed script!
Now edited and better than ever.
Hey Ana, at this point I just want to say Congratulations on your script and definitely keep it moving!....I don't have too many suggestions as I am also working on getting one of my specs off the ground as we speak however, continue doing your homework, reading, networking, discussing, and connecting as you're doing now...and things will absolutely start falling in place! I wish you the best.....sounds like a great movie - please share when it comes to life....take care Ana =)
I read the script. Geat story!