Hi everyone,
I'm a new screenwriter I wrote a movie script about a struggling poor man that tries to find his place in this complex harsh world. hope you'll enjoy.
heads up this script has some mature content in it.
Scene 1Ext. Work Street - Day
Busy street. Sam (a humble sweet and poor man) tries to sell hot corn, People see but don't look at him, pedestrians are passing by, kids play catch near the stand and their parents take them away. He has an open box with some money in it.
Sam (shouts to pedestrians): Ladies and gentlemen, get sweet corns for the best price you'll ever see.
A young kid stops his father by grabbing his shirt. (they are dressed well).
Kid (excited): Stop papa! Stop! I want sweet corn.
Father looks at Sam and doesn't want to buy from him because he looks poor.
Father: Maybe later.
Kid (pleading): But I want it! I want it now! I'm hungry.
Father (Irritated): Fine.
Father looks uncomfortable but doesn't want to make his son cry and disappointed. He approaches the stand in cautious as if Sam is contagious of his poverty.
Father (Coldly, to Sam) - How much for it?
Sam: Just six cents sir.
Father looks humiliated as he buys from this poor, he gives him the money and tries to avoid any physical contact as he hands him over the money.
Adam (happy and smiles): Have a nice one gentlemen, hope I'll see you again soon.
Sam gives the kid his corn.
Father (quietly to his kid): Be carful not to touch him.
The kid eagerly takes a bite.
Kid (Happy, to Sam): Thank you mister.
Sam: Enjoy.
Father (to his kid): Don't talk to this fella, can't you see he's shy.
Sam waves and smiles to them as they walk away, the kid truns around and waves back, his father turns him, and looks like he is saying something to him and seems angry.
Pedestrians keep on passing by
Sam (shouts to pedestrians): Just today, just today, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you I have the best hot corns in town and for the lowest price you'll ever see.
Scene 2
Ext. Sam's home/trailer - afternoon
Sam and 2 of his friends (EDDIE and TED) are sitting outside of Sam's trailer. There are chairs and a table. Sam puts the money he made on the table, there's already money there and a watch.
Eddie: That's all?
Sam: Business isn't doing good lately. I'm thinking maybe I should change my product.
Eddie: I heard pretzel thrive these days in the market.
Ted: Johnson is selling pretzel, I know he is doing great. Go talk to him, maybe he'll land you some tips.
Sam: I'll go ask him then.
Eddie: just make sure his fat new lady of him is not around, unless you are interested of hearing them 2 fuck?
Ted: He found himself a new lady? Already?
Eddie: Yeah, he says she might be the one.
Ted: He said that about his last girl.
Sam: And the one before her, and what was her name?... Veronica.
Eddie: Ahh, Veronica, I miss Veronica, she was sweet as pie.
Ted: a real doll, a sweetheart.
Eddie: Did I tell you we made love to each other? It was a sweet, sweet love.
Sam: Yeah, yeah, you fucked her in Johnson's home while Johnson looked at you. (You see the situation, and back to him speak) - so he broke up with her. We know the story, and I don't call fucking making love.
Eddie: She was a great love maker though, never saw her after that night. She gave me a bunch of blow jobs too. Took me forever to convince her to fuck me though.
Ted: The word out there is that Johnson killed her. Cold blood murder.
Sam: Roumers spread around fast, no way Johnson's killed her, we are talking about Johnson.
Ted: He beated her ass couple of times before, and I think he still is. A woman beater.
Sam: To be honest, I didn't like her to begin with.
Eddie: Well, that's because you are a Nancy boy.
Sam: I'm not.
Eddie: All you need is to try one good, you know what, not even good but OK, lady's sweet cherry, just one, then you'll appreciate your woman, more so you'll appreciate your life, your whole observation will change.
Ted: He is not wrong pal.
Sam: I tried some.. and appreciated it, you two don't appreciate the woman body you sexualize it.
Eddie: Ahhh. Wrong.
The two friends laugh.
Scene 3
Ext. Johnson home - Day
Sam knocks on Johnson's door and hears him having sexual intercourse. You can hear Johnson walks. he opens the curtain to see who is it.
Johnson (Irritated): Who is this now?
He opens the curtain to see who is it.
Ms. Johnson: Come back cutie pie, leave him outside. He probably doesn't even know we are here.
Johnson opens the door, wearing just boxers and smoking a cigarette.
Sam: Am I interrupting?
Johnson: Yes very, make it quick.
Sam: I heard you sell pretzels?
Johnson: Yes, why?
Sam: I want to sell too.
Ms. Johnson (shouts from the room, O.S): Who is it baby?
Johnson: Some fella I know.
Ms. Johnson: Then come back in here, I miss you.
Johnson: I'm being summond.
Johnson is closing the door and Sam puts his hand inside the space there is for the door to close. Johnson opens the door.
Sam: Just let me finish.
Ms Johnson (shouts O.S): If he looks good bring him in too, we wanted to try new things.
Johnson (scream): He's ugly. Weren't you working at the steel place? Making big money.
Sam: There's been cutting down.
Johnson: Screw them rich folks, want all their money for themselves. Pretzels is my specialty so my answer for you is (pause) no.
He closes the door on him.
Sam (screams): I can hear you fuck ms. Johnson.
Ms. Johnson: Ahh fuck off.
Sam (shout): I can help you sell some, if you want to. I have a good spot.
Johnson: I don't give a damn.
I’d appreciate any thoughts, feedback, or suggestions from fellow screenwriters or collaborators. If you’re interested in working together or have any advice, feel free to reach out!
Copyright Notice:
© Oded Nave 2025. All rights reserved. This script is an original work and is protected under copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of this material without permission is prohibited.
Looks pretty good to me Oded Nave and Congratulations for making the plunge and welcome to Stage32!