Screenwriting : Pitching by Lori Lee Peters

Lori Lee Peters


Hi everyone, I'm not sure if I should do a live pitch in the 1st or 3rd person, when the script is my own true story. Thank you for any advice!! :)

Mark Deuce

I would say 1st person if you are the narrator.

Bill Albert

1st person so it's clear you aren't holding back any secrets.

CJ Walley

First person as, assuming it's a compelling story, a lot of the value is that it's based on true events.

Lori Lee Peters

Thank you all so much! This has been such an education for me and the majority has come from being a Stage32 member!:)

Richard "RB" Botto

I'll add to the chorus...First person for sure.

Danny Manus

I think it really depends on the subject matter. if it's a story about reeeeally dark taboo things that will put you in a bad light, then perhaps 3rd person and give the twist at the end that it's based on your story. you don't want an exec to be biased before they even hear the story.

Lori Lee Peters

Thank you for your comments. I was able to pitch last night and tried in 3rd person to keep from becoming too emotional. Everyone was very kind and I'm grateful. Feeling down last night and something unexpected happened. I received an email TWO FATES is a Semifinalist at SanFrancisco Independent Film Festival and TWO FATES was one of the Semifinalists that scored highest with the readers! What?? Wowwww!!! Brilliant timing :)

Maurice Vaughan

Double congratulations, Lori Lee Peters!

Richard "RB" Botto

That's fantastic news, Lori Lee Peters. Celebrate the win and carry the momentum.

Lori Lee Peters

Thanks Maurice!!! Still in shock:))

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lori Lee Peters. Hope you have more success with your script and a producer or company scoops it up!

Lori Lee Peters

Richard and Maurice, taking your advice and a producer who's feedback said this story has potential to be Oscar worthy. When I have a script and pitch deck, would be more than happy to review. With the script finished, I've been waiting for this producer to be available. Today I discovered this producer is back!! :))) I signed up for a review and 30 min. Consultation :))

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to hear, Lori Lee Peters - and what a compliment to receive. Let us know how the read and call goes! Excited for you.

Lori Lee Peters

Thank you Richard and Stage32!!! I will report back.:)

Richard "RB" Botto

Looking forward to it, Lori Lee Peters

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