Your Stage : Public Opinion? by Niksa Maric

Niksa Maric

Public Opinion?

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen. A short explanation regarding this "Movie Trailer" or whatever the name for such video is. This is actually 3-part riddle. There's a script called Scriptor Optimus, you can see the Loglines on my profile. It's not completed yet, for several reasons but you can read 4 or 5 pages, which are also not final (I found a few errors on it) so, let me explain what this video is or should be. 1. The first 2 pages of this script are not posted for a reason. The pages are written ON BLACK form, just mentioning accurate or real facts which most of you already know but I can't post it without permission of person mentioned by name in these 2 pages. 2. This video usually or should appear when this ON BLACK part ends but I'm not sure this is even writers job to create it pr suggest it, but it should be something similar to this video. 3. Then, the script starts and you can read 4 or 5 pages already posted. I would like to hear some opinions about this video such as, does the background music fits into this SLIDE- SHOW, would you change or remove anything... things like that. Oh, none of this is in the script, just a little experiment. You can see it under Audio/ Video or by clicking on link. I can see how complicated all this sounds but I'll leave it as it is. Any comments? And please, don't hold anything back. Thank you!

D Marcus

I don't understand the video. You pulled pictures from the internet and added music. No, the background music doesn't fit the slide-show. It's all random.

Niksa Maric

Fair enough D Marcus but let's take a look at all this from a different perspective or angle. As a producer or as a person, you've probably seen hundreds of movies. Imagine some movie, which starts like this. The screen is BLACK, then a sentence fades in, then fades out, another one fades in.... about 6 all together. Then some parts of this video or something similar plays for about 2-3 minutes, credits roll, written by.... the usual stuff and it FADES TO BLACK again. A conversation between 3 characters starts, on black screen, goes on for about minute, maybe little longer and it fades in, and we can see who the characters are, the scenery.... I'm sure you get the picture by now how this "NEVER GONNA HAPPEN MOVIE" should look like. Now, the tricky part. I know it's not a writer's job to write this "Section" of the movie not even put it in the script ( I didn't) and let's not forget, suggested to anyone. But here's the "CRAZY" part. The pictures in this video are positioned in correct order, because this script is so complicated, it will probably remain unread, it will never see a daylight ( that's why I used Never Gonna Happen Movie) term. You can read the first 4-5 pages, it's posted under Scriptor Optimus logline and I know there are some grammatical errors and typos ( I wrote it and I WILL correct it, sooner or later). but to get this unusual story or discussions short, I started this complicated script to learn and to write something to drive me forward and, maybe, just maybe to make some progress. Finally, what song or music would you suggest for this?

D Marcus

I appreciate your passion for this. But I have no idea what you are trying to do. If you have a script that is so complicated it will probably remain unread then adding a complicated video pictures may not help. I wish you luck.

Danny Manus

I'm sorry, I genuinely don't understand what youre trying to do or ask.

Royce Allen Dudley

Unintelligible .

Steve Scifi

I think I understand what you are trying to do here. You are showing a riddle on youtube to compliment the theme of your script? As such the music is uplifting for about 30 seconds, then becomes repetitive, so I would either shorten the video to 30 seconds or allow both the music and images to develop. If the slide show is a riddle then In my humble opinion you should tease the audience a little with increasingly obvious clues so that as they watch it the answer to the riddle becomes clear. I would also make the screen wipes less predictable, and make the wipe quicker. Atm I only watched it to the end so I could give you a better quality critique. Otherwise I'd need a lot more come on in the first 10 secs to be intrigued. I do applaud the idea to be different though and I wish you well in developing this concept.

Dustin Bowcott

Honestly... stick to making your writing great. Gimmicks like this, especially this poor, are not going to win you any admirers, in my opinion. Instead of taking all the time it must have taken to collect those images, you could have written your script. At least, 5 error-free pages. It's not my intention to be horrible, or negative. I'm just being real with you. If you're a writer, then write. Wow us with your story, not this pile of crap.

Kerin Freeman

Hi everyone, can someone help me please. I'm writing a script and the protagonist is writing letters home from prison, he's soon to be hanged. These letters are an important part of the story so how do you go about placing letters into a script? Thanks for your help :)

Pierre Langenegger

Kerin, try starting your own thread, you might have better luck at getting a response if you're not tacked on the end of an unrelated thread.

Kerin Freeman

Thanks, Pierre, I haven't put a thread on here before. It's all a learning curve :)

Pierre Langenegger

No probs

John Garrett

I am with Dominic. I just spent three and a half minutes of my life looking at, what seems to be, random pictures of writers and then Oscar winners. I see no story, I see no cohesion. So, I went back to your log line. And the only connection is the fact that you show writers. Not really sure what you are going for here.

Rosalind Winton

Hi Niksa, I don't know the reason for the slide show, but I think it's a little bit too long, I started to get a bit bored after about two and a half minutes. I thought the music was great and liked the way it built up as the slide show went on and it was actually more the music that kept me watching than the actual images. I was also a little bit bored by the way each image faded and the next was brought in and I think variation on that would make it more interesting.

Dustin Bowcott

I wonder if this project ever made it?

Niksa Maric

This project can not be made yet because it combines reality and fiction. So, unless a living persons mentioned in this script agrees to go along or allows someone to continue with this, it won't be done that way but there's always a backup plan. In that case, this living person is turned into a fictional character. Look, I know it's unusual for writers to create a movie posters but I do it from time to time anyway. Take a look under loglines. It's called SCRIPTOR OPTIMUS (it means "The best writer" in Latin)

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