Hello - curious as to people's thoughts about getting a screenplay pitch out onto public social media/forums, etc. Is it smart to get as many eyes on it as possible, try to generate a buzz with artwork etc, and cast a wide net? Or is it smarter to keep a pitch more closely guarded, and only send to selected individuals like Managers, Agents, Producers etc?
I'm considering creating several social media pages for my project, but I don't see anyone else doing this (yet) -, wondering why not? Thanks!
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Make a movie and post that on social media. OneRepublic didn’t get discovered on MySpace for posting lyrics.
I would keep it old school and go with doing the pitch off social media. Nothing wrong with doing things the old school way.
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Well, pitching itself certainly has expectations—“old school.” But, hey, you never know, right? Anything is possible. A producer I know, she tells me she often looks for stories (not random scripts so much, she receives vetted work from repped writers) from all kinds of different sources: various IPs, books, news articles, editorial pieces, podcasts, etc. Something she wishes to adapt and develop. So it’s possible a producer could come across anything online. But pitches... those are typically presented to a recipient by request.
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Trevor Gustafson Hey Trevor - I've actually been doing something similar with one of my scripts. I haven't been straight up pitching the script (as I've yet to reveal the title and premise to it) but I've been teasing the project (an original horror spec of mine) right here on Stage32 and even on my instagram for well over a year now... through unique photos and videos. I have received some buzz and intrigue by a select group of people who seem to be paying attention and like what I'm doing (more so on insta than on Stage which is odd) but the project isn't getting nearly enough traction as it needs. It seems to be more of an algorithm thing - as my content isn't reaching enough people/ horror fans... but maybe when I reveal the title my pics will make more sense, which I plan on doing next month before the script goes out to contests and hopefully producers, next year! The reason why I chose this route with this particular script is because I believe it's my most commercial idea, as well as a one of kind concept in horror. If you want to take a look here are some links @ > https://www.stage32.com/profile/667776/photos ... + @ > https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/projectcdgivebacktohorrorfans/ ...Go investigate! - I actually want to show and pitch this project to New Line/ Warner Bros. They are my first choice. The buzz from people and strangers alike in my personal life though who are aware of the title and premise has been through the roof. They've been saying some really crazy things. If you're interested... the title will be out in November, the premise will eventually follow. AJ ...Also check out my numbered videos @ > https://www.stage32.com/profile/667776/reel
Thanks for the comments, folks. Do you see any risks in OVER-exposing a script project? As in, are producers less likely to pick something up if they know a lot of people have seen it? Is a script more valuable if it has had less eyes on it? thanks!
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Artisan James thanks! interesting... I've developed a reasonable following on social forums for example (though not for screenwriting stuff). Considering putting my screenplay projects and concept art there because I know it will get a lot of eyes, perhaps feedback, and perhaps some of those people may even be in the industry who knows. Just concerned about watering it down, too many spoilers leaked before a potentially interested party might be interested to pick it up. These articles are interesting, just reading them now: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting/Writer-promote-thyself-part-1seems my fears are not justified, folks promoting their stuff all over the place.
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Trevor Gustafson That's great, I'm also an artist... keep at it and build that base, because you never know - you may even want to write one of your screenplays as a novel someday... there are so many options... if you want, link me your art and ideas - I'll take a look. AJ
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Thanks Artisan James Here is the pitch site/concept art for my screenplay project: www.WhiteLightTrilogyPitch.com Here is my day job /illustration site: www.trevorGustafson.com
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Trevor Gustafson storyboards are great - good stuff! Check out my original creature illustrations @ > https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/theartisan982/ ... very unique style and I even give them all their own unique names!
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Think its good to get the Word out to as many as possible! It could get a wider network.
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Artisan James very trippy!! Your art would be great for a scene in a film where someone has a shamanic or psychedelic vision, like Casteneda peyote trip or something. Imagine your creatures animated! quickly, moving and morphing around. What a scene that would be