Screenwriting : Request for script by Tara Sandoval

Tara Sandoval

Request for script

So I had a production company respond to m query letter saying my movie sounds fantastic but unless I bring funding options with me, they will have to pass. However, they still want to read it and told me to send it to a certain director. Should I still send my script to this production company?

CJ Walley

Based on what you've written, yes. You want people falling in love with your scripts, even if there isn't a clear route to production just yet.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Have you did the copyright Tara Sandoval ? If yes, go ahead, otherwise it’s vital to copyright and send after!

Tara Sandoval

I have it registered through the WGA but not copyright.

CJ Walley

WGA isn't enough. You need Library of Congress.

Mike Childress

Tara Sandoval Nice work getting a response from a QL in 2025! Color me impressed.

Francisco Castro

Agree with CJ Walley. Forget WGA registration. Just do the Library Of Congress copyright. It last longer and you just pay once. FYI, there's also a bundling deal now where you can register up to 10 scripts for one price.

Sandra Isabel Correia

My colleagues are right Tara Sandoval Library of Congress ( US Copyright Office) is the major copyright you can have to protect your script. WGA isn’t enough! First do the copyright and after you can send!

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