My new career choice is in the travel industry, but screenwriting has always been my love. I got out of it because it was just too hard to break into the industry (or I was dreaming too high). Now, I don't mind writing and selling shorts scripts. I have over a hundred of them on my flash drives collecting dust and I'm doing pretty good on Script Revolution, download wise. I want to know if there's a way I can sell my scripts like you would sell merch?
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If a producer, or the like, enjoys your scripts wants to option or purchase then they'll let you know. Are your scripts all feature length, 90-120 pages?
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Like 10% off if u buy 2+1? Kidding...good to have entrepreneur hunch if wanna go pro...however, selling scripts as goods ain't that easy...there aren't no "Script Shops" around. U gotta convince someone enter your idea with money and time and make something outta it (almost 98% different than the original) and make loads of money with the final product on atop so their investment would payoff.
Even then they might come back and say "OK, how many more of this product uve got?"
puedes escribir un libro y publicarlo en ebook y otros formatos digitales a través de Amazon, por ejemplo.
el link que te di esta en español, pero puedes buscar uno en ingles translate que te oriente de como vender tus libros digitales a traves de amazon para todo el mundo.
Espero que le sea útil.
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To put things into perspective, and I'm sorry to sound so bleak here, most indie feature filmmakers are doing what they do as a side hustle. The economics of filmmaking are not good right now. Lots of directors, producers, actors, cinematographers and writers are effectively working for free or even paying to work.
Short scripts do get bought but those making short films tend to know they'll come out in the red and thus want to spend/lose as little as possible.
It makes more sense to look at selling novels and novellas but that's still a tough grind in itself. Writing has one of the lowest barriers to entry of all the creative arts and thus supply and demand make it incredibly hard to stand out.
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I don't know if you can sell your scripts like merch, Nikki April Lee, but continue to work on your writing craft, build your portfolio, build relationships, learn the business side of the industry, and find ways to stand out as a writer. And read CJ's book "Turn & Burn: The Scriptwriter's Guide to Writing Better Screenplays Faster." I'm currently reading through it.
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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth Not all of them. I did better writing shorts so I have tons of shorts and maybe 10 features.
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Kiril Maksimoski I've had some luck with returning directors. More than once, I'd sell one and they'd offer to buy two or more of my other scripts. So yeah a package deal would have been good. Buy 2 get one at half price. LOL.
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CJ Walley It didn't take long for me to figure out that the reason film students and indie directors were asking for my scripts was because I wrote most of my scripts with minimal cast members and one or two locations. Budgetwise it worked for most film creatives. I can understand how expensive making these films can get. One director had to pay 2k out of pocket for my 15-page script. I felt awful even though that's to be expected. I am dabbling in novel-writing, but the market is over saturated because everybody and their momma think they can write the next best Harry Potter or 50 Shades of Grey. I have to compete with wattpad lol
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Dan MaxXx I use to do my share of free work and get writer's credit. I also considered, that if I wrote a short script and sold it for a flat fee, they could make double or three times that through festivals and other sales. I wouldn't have minded it because I was just looking to make a sale, but I'm guessing it would be foolish to surrender so much just for chump change.
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Hi Nikki! Wishing you all the best in whatever endeavor you partake in! Why not go in all directions. Animation. Poems. Novellas. Comics (there's a built-in online audience clamoring for newer, intense stories, and comics) OR collab with a storyboard artist (or pay for one) Movies aren't the only golden calf like it was 20 years ago. Social media has redefined "content" that sells exponentially. Your screenplays are content ready to be produced in whatever form of "visual communication" you so desire. Right now the climate is hot for relevant, socially conscious material! Stories that will make you cry, weep, grieve, jump for joy, laugh till your belly ache, pump your fist in the air victoriously, bully the bully, love triangles that turn deadly, tragic turns, etc. BTW, having a thousand scripts means you a lot of content, but the question IS... what type of content will it be that will bring you validation and financial freedom.