Does anyone have a copy of the Sharknado script? I have searched online and only come up with a crap .PDF with dialogue only. There must be someone out there willing to share this masterpiece!
Does anyone have a copy of the Sharknado script? I have searched online and only come up with a crap .PDF with dialogue only. There must be someone out there willing to share this masterpiece!
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I heard the sharks took it with them when the water receded. Good luck in your search. It's always good to learn by reading the best.
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The production company is Asylum. I've worked for them several times before. You should be able to find it easily or request it straight from them.
Joe, have you written scripts for them?
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I really dig Asylum films. I think the last one I saw was Battle Dogs. The one thing I like about Asylum films is that you get a chance to see some of your favorite character actors that you haven't seen in awhile.
I mostly AD for them.
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Thanks all. I shall try writing them to see if they are willing to release a copy.
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Well now, that was rather amazing. I wrote a direct letter to them and with one more back-and-forth I received a .PDF of the production script. Nice team over there!
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They're pretty good about that stuff. Glad you got a copy. Note the amount of pages between each time someone dies.
I am working on a derivative script and wanted to see how the experts did it!
Sharknado was a piece of shit. Do you want to do the same? Why bother hurting yourself. The Asylum in Burbank produced it. Visit the office. Maybe they will hire you to write your deal.
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While I agree it was hardly Oscar worthy it still had entertainment value. I can watch almost any film (Hot Tub Time Machine being the exception) and learn something from it. I suppose I want the exercise of trying to write a camp/B movie. If it comes out not half (or even eighth) bad then I may approach them to judge their interest. I have the premise and subplots figured out... now, can I write some schlock dialogue?
I agree, Sharknado is 100% valid to learn from. I've got a lot of respect for B-movies and it's great to read Asylum have been so good about providing the production script.
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Agree with CJ. I've watched a lot of Asylum films because I'm a horror fan. They have a distinct model for their films. I'd be interested in getting my hands on one of their scripts too.
I've written a 'B' movie and it has market value. Just have to pitch it. That isn't easy.
Hey Sandra, just take a pencil and a watch and write down what happens by minute. The distict model is pretty simple. Get you the scripts of Spielbergs Sharks and Hitchckocks Birds and forget about that "against all logic" nonsense.
I'd ;ove tp get my hands on the script as well. There is a lot to learn from this script.
Many B movies are fun; but I draw the line at Troma flics. they are brain dissolving.
Peter, James Gunn got his start working for Trina, writing and directing. Now, he has written and directed both Guardians of the Galaxy movies. So, even those movies have something they can teach us.
It is true, you have to crawl before you can walk. There is no rhyme or reason why something or someone makes it. Don't be duped by low budget. Always shoot for the stars. You don't have to think low budget when writing, unless that is the genre you are going for. Even ten million is considered low budget. So, keep that in mind. If you want to do easy, then do easy to get started, but a good screenplay should not be labeled into low budget mentality.
forget Sharkando, try Tommy Wiseau's the that's a true gem :)