Screenwriting : Software by Brian Smith

Brian Smith


What software do you guys prefer for screenwriting, I'm current using a Macbook pro

Doug Nelson

A #2 lead pencil and a legal pad is the very best but since I'm lazy, I stick with Final Draft.

Cara Rogers

Final Draft. I’ve had others ask me to submit a screenplay in FD format for collaborating so I stick with it.

Vincent Paterno

My only computer is a Chromebook laptop, for which Final Draft is incompatible, so I use WriterDuet, which is just as effective (I used FD years ago when I owned a Windows computer), not to mention substantially cheaper.

A E Simpson

Final Draft mobile on my iPad. Costs a fraction of the desktop version.

Jerry Robbins


Vincent Paterno

I use WriterDuet since I own a Chromebook and it's incompatible with FD. Forget this "industry standard" crap.

CJ Walley

Scrivener. It was literally developed by writers for writers and has a fundamentally different approach to how documents are put together.

WriterDuet and Highland 2 come a close second. 3 Alternatives to Final Draft Every Screenwriter Should Have On Their Radar.

Full list of screenwriting software options with links to demos.

Every writer owes it to themselves to try as many of the tools out there as they can.

J. Maverick McWilliams

Writer Duet.

Naithan Hilaire

Fade In. Echoing the reason CJ Walley gave.

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