My co-author, Anja and I are currently in the process of writing a spec script to get into the Warner Brother's Writing Workshop. However, there are not a lot of examples to go off of Most scripts we've found are shooting scripts and I know there's a big difference. Does anyone have any advice for writing spec scripts that they would be willing to share? Thank you in advance!
Hello. I went to Barns & Nobles. And found so much on spec scripts.
If you want to get into this year's Warner Brothers Writing Workshop competition you're going to need to hurry - it closes tomorrow.
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Barnes and Noble my home away from home. The screenwriters bible is on my desk. Tell me what more do I need.
Watch an episode beat by beat. Breakdown the episode to it's nuts and bolts, "3 minutes in - the cold open ends, first commercial break is a set up for the end of act 1, act 1 always ends with a dead body, this series always has false hope going into act 2" etc. (Trottier is called Dr. Format for a reason) Hope you made / make the deadline and keep us Stage 32 fellows apprised of the results.
We broke down several episodes for the show that we're speccing. We were going to submit the script sooner, but the last two episodes of the season kind of made our initial idea moot. However, I feel that this new script is much stronger. Thank you for the feedback everyone.