Screenwriting : Student looking for advice by Cecilia Wenzler

Cecilia Wenzler

Student looking for advice

I am a Junior looking to transfer from The University of Tampa and study abroad. I am majoring in Creative Writing, minoring in Film & Media Arts, and minoring in Marketing. I have a great interest in screenwriting and film in general. I am looking for any advice on where I should look into for schools and places to study abroad where I can get the experience and guidance with screenwriting.

David C. Velasco

I wish you the best of luck on such an incredible journey.

Daniel Hellman

I studied abroad in London for a semester of law school way back in 1996. I took a weekend course on screenwriting in SoHo and that was my intro to it. I think London is a good choice because so many movies are being made in the UK. Not sure which school to go to, but there have to be some good ones there with so much movie industry business going on there. Maybe you can get a part time job with a studio or agent reading screenplays. Wherever you go have fun and enjoy the experience!

Marius Pinnås

Work on plotting various storylines and on your characters and write, write, write in your spare time. Find your voice and tone and aim for the absurd and crazy as opposed to the mainstream. Learn to listen and recognise realistic dialogue. Trying and failing, rewriting and taking risks in structure is something we (at least myself) do on a daily basis, and most of us come out way stronger, safer and better from our mistakes than our wins.

Welcome notes from others, but only pay attention to what makes sense to yourself.

A hundred film schools, dramaturgy books and writing programs couldn’t have done what experience from failures did for me. I’ve taught screenwriting for 8 years now, and in my experience, 99% of the students comes to realise all the different ways you can go and with twice the understanding of the craft as soon as we break down a very first sample/draft.

Best of luck and feel free to reach out if you need a reader or any specific advice!

Amman Mohammed

Read this link and create A List grades in school.

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