Vincent Van Gogh once said “If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” The same holds true for writing. Thank you STAGE 32 for supporting creative artists and for facilitating access to industry professions. The script coverage CRASHING CAMELOT received from Jason Piette was excellent. He asked important questions and suggested practical ways to make the story even better. Worth every penny! I just entered a revised CRASHING CAMELOT into your first-ever True Story/Biopic screenwriting contest. Fingers crossed.
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So glad you've felt so encouraged to pursue your calling, Mark DeAngelis! Keep at it, and keep us posted!
Hi Mark, how are you doing with the producing
Great quote.. was tempted to joke about the whole ear thing... apparently Vincent has been incorrectly portrayed all of these years... he was a very intelligent man, obvious from his musings...he cut his ear off because he read about it in a play that demonstrated self mutilation as an act of love. Of course, this sounds far fetched but take yourself back into that era and at the time, it may have been considered an acceptable act.
Good luck!!!
So excited that you entered a contest, good luck!
Thanks so much for the energy Mark DeAngelis! Glad to have you in the community!
Fun to be here!
Crossing all of my fingers for you, Mark :)
So glad to see that you entered the contest & thrilled to hear that your notes from Jason were so helpful!