Hi all - I am new to this site and am trying to find my way around - I'v written a script for a remake / update of The Swimmer and am trying to garner some interest in it - any thoughts / suggestions / ideas would be welcome - many thanks and best wishes all
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I'm assuming that you don't have the rights to the movie...
Hi Christopher - no - I realise I may be barking up the wrong tree - but for reasons unknown to me - I get the feeling - that this is all going to take care of itself
But I could be wrong - either way, I'm sure I will find out
Geat film by Frank Perry. Burt Lancaster amazing. Rights will be an issue. First score by Hamil.
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Hi James - Brilliant film - very unsettling - but hard to put finger on why - tried to keep some of those qualities - but make it contempary and play a bit more with the audiences sympathies for Ned - who ultimately could be the victim - the ending is very different - but similar setting
I'm a complete novice at all of this - but I just think I have a really interesting idea that would make a very interesting movie - and I would love the opportunity to see if it can be done
If anyone would like to take a look - I would be very willing to send it out
If you don't own the rights you can't show it to anyone without breaking copyright laws (since you don't own the rights).
Chalk that up to a lesson learned and write around ten completely original screenplays.
Thanks William - you mean I cant even talk about it in the hope that maybe those with the rights would be interested in hearing about it?
I guess if those with the righs don't want a remake - or my version - then my quest is at an end
You might be able to show it to friends if you want some feedback on your character building and dialogue skills, that's about it. Use it as an experience in writing. You did one, you got some idea of how it feels, so start with a new idea. Take some time to read up on copyright.
Thanks Bill - will take a look - appreciate the feedback
maybe the copyright owners can be found - maybe this is a chance to get the ball rolling?
I'd like to take this as far as I can - see where it leads me - I think I have an interesting idea for a remake and the time may be right
T=Many thanks Dan - that was what I was thinking - you just never know how these things turn out - and I;ve got to start somewhere - so here I am
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Your unique creativity is more powerful than years of experience.
Thanks Abby - not entirely sure it is unique - but I am hoping I might find out