Success Stories: MAY'27 A learning experience can be a positive experience

Sergio Cardenas

A learning experience can be a positive experience

In my view, I consider a POSITIVE learning experience to be a success story. And I learned that rejection is expected when it comes to pitching an idea or attempting to network with someone who has more experience with the industry. There’s a good and moral reason why one should never expect it to be easy to pursue the business. Recently, I attempted to help a friend get a job at a company where I used to work. When I received word from my former employer, I was told that the company has a policy to reject recommendations. Very gradually, I finally began to understand why… A few days ago, I wrote a previous post in Stage 32’s “Anything Goes” lounge, where I admittedly expressed my negative reaction to another friend of mine’s response in which he rejected to use his status as a mutual friend to help get me to network with his other friends. I regretfully yet honestly admit I was upset by his response at the time. But now? I realize and learned that my friend was doing both of us a favor. My high school friend, who lives in Los Angeles, was put into an uncomfortable position by me. I learned now that it was wrong of me to put him in that position because it created a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It’s exactly the same thing that happened to my other friend; because I still had a connection with my former job, it would’ve created a conflict of interest if my other friend got hired. And it makes it unfair to those who have worked their absolute hardest to apply for the job, because they might more suited for it compared to someone with connections. That’s why I have respect for talented people like Maude Apatow and Destry Spielberg for example-not because of their relatives but because they had to work their absolute hardest to prove they’re talented, which I recognize as a fan. I reject the “nepo baby” label because, on the contrary, it’s hard for them to find work because it would create a conflict of interest if they got hired via recommendations from their connections/relatives. Therefore, I feel good about what I’ve learned. And I acknowledge that pursuing this journey won’t be always easy for me and I’m willing to accept that; at the same time, I am determined and I will never give up because I BELIEVE IN MYSELF. I encourage you do the same for yourself, but only if you truly want to pursue this type of career.

Maurice Vaughan

Great points, Sergio Cardenas. A positive learning experience is definitely a success story, and that experience can lead to more success as you apply what you learned. Thanks for sharing what you learned and hope it helps other members. Rooting for you to reach your goals!

Claude Gagne

Yeah! I see your point. Because someone is rich and famous in your family doesn't make you rich and famous. You are, who you are. Talent is not transported by the sperm or the egg. There are two sides to the coin.

Kerry Kennard

Good point and .. we can learn by failure also.

Yes, believing in yourself is very important.

Jed Power

Sergio,I agree to a degree. It wouldn't be good for him to go gangbusters or be overly pushy on your behalf to his connections. But discreet name-dropping and other non-offensive tactics are worth a shot. You won't have many shances.What do you both have to lose, if done intelligently? If I were your age and had a friend in L.A. I wouldn't hesitateto get in touch, just with no strong-arming.

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