And it's a big one for me. Legendary requested the script for my one-hour pilot. I hit a dry spell at the end of December but this makes for a happy new year! Thank you Joey for your support and helping me stay positive.
And it's a big one for me. Legendary requested the script for my one-hour pilot. I hit a dry spell at the end of December but this makes for a happy new year! Thank you Joey for your support and helping me stay positive.
How awesome, congrats!
Thanks Helena.
Congrats Eric! Keep us posted. I just sent my spec KINGSTOWN off to the Happy Writers. Does that mean Joey's in my corner now? Or do I gotta do something else, like pitch?
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Thanks Shawn. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that you sent your script off to the Happy Writers. For coverage? Did some request it? As for Joey, he's always in your corner. Take advantage of his knowledge and insight. He really help improve my written pitch. If you read the success stories on here, Joey probably helped with at least 95%.
Just coverage. But that's why I ask. I know he's the man, and I want to make sure he's on my side of the ring. Thanks for your insight, Eric.
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He's with you.
That's what's up! Have a great day, Eric!
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Congratulations Eric, fantastic start to the New Year. Fingers crossed!
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Alright Eric! Congrats!
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Hi Eric , congrats !! Do you have more time on your hand now ? Or , are you busy re writing etc..?
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Hi Eric Read your post with great interest, many congratulations on that. I am also drafting a pilot. I am just wondering if you have any advice in who to give it to for a read once done to have a look at. Many thanks for your time.
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Congrats! What a great start for 2015. Well done.
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Thank you everyone for your incredible support and kindness. Yosi - I'm finishing the first draft of another pilot. Then I'll let it sit a bit while I rewrite my second pilot based in the feedback I received from a script consultant.
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Eric congrats! Big things in 2015!! Please keep me in mind if you are in need of actors. Best of luck in everything you do.
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Thanks and I'll keep you in mind Curtis.
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Super fantastic, Eric. Sometimes dry spells are for regrouping.
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That's amazing! Congratulations! Have you done a series document?
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Congratulations! That's wonderful!
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Fantastic Eric, I'm really happy for you. Success makes all your efforts worthwile!
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Splendid news and a great way to start the new year. Congratulations!
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That is wonderful news Eric! Congratulations!
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Have any of you guys actually had your scripts READ after it being requested. I've spent tons of money and had LOADS of requests, but have not heard back from a single one...since August.
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Among the numerous requests I got since April (15) , six came back with a pass. But it takes some time before you hear from them. I guess patience must be one of our first qualities.
Great news