Does this seem kinda weird to anyone other than me? How can you make it through to Post-Production and then pull it?
"Netflix has scrapped the release of “The Mothership,” a science-fiction film starring Halle Berry.
The movie finished filming in 2021, but it couldn’t be completed after multiple delays in post-production, Variety has confirmed."
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It does seem weird to pull the plug on a movie in Post, Geoff Hall. And Halle Berry is one of the biggest actresses in the world. THE MOTHERSHIP would definitely get a lot of views. Hopefully Netflix will change its mind, finish the movie, and release it later on. Or sell the movie to another streamer so they can finish it and release it, if that's possible. I'd definitely watch this movie. Halle Berry is one of my favorite actresses, and the plot sounds exciting.
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Netflix has an ever tightening gate. Wide at the start, then gets narrower as the production moves forward. By the time it hits post, it is very narrow. You need to be on time and on budget at that point or danger looms. I know a number of projects in the past were put to bed because post was taking too long or costs were skyrocketing above budget. These days though I believe they are more into tax write-offs, and if your project is not on budget and on time it is likely to get blown out of the pond. They have to make money somehow I suppose.
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When you are over $14 billion in debt and not expected to make good on the $5b coming due in the next 3 years.... finishing funds tend to dry up. This could be a symptom of the fact that NetFlix in its current incarnation is reaching the end of the line. It also could be testing so absolutely awful that even wannabe producers in NetFlix's offices couldn't stomach it - though that's not likely.
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Maurice Vaughan anything is possible, Maurice. I’ve read of streamers buying the rights to an incomplete project and then doing exactly as you say.
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James Hoey I would love to have been a fly on the wall and know what these insurmountable delays were all about!
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Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg so, over the next three years can we expect more of this, as they increase the value of their tax right-offs? It doesn’t make it an attractive proposition to have a production bought by them. Maybe I’ll wait and see what happens with that $5bn debt!
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Sometimes a tax write down is worth more than an over budget product... it just stings when it's a movie from a great artist. But that's Wall Street running things in the creative arts. Another call for more independent production.