Unless you want people to remember you by the first "demos" of you that they hear, I would advise against calling these samples your VO demos. While the audio recording quality is crisp and clear, your vocal characteristics lack some fine-tuning (wet saliva sounds, swallowed consonants) along with a very "reading out-loud" cadence. I don't say any of this as a put-down, you certainly have a fine set of pipes, but I strongly recommend some research, training and practice before you release a demo.
Thank you for the feed back I greatly appreciate it I will look into some good warm ups. This has always been a dream of mine and i want to be the best I can.
Thank you guys for the feedback and Carl I will. A lot of the time I think my mind goes faster than what I'm trying to say so that's why it sounds slurry sometimes.
I'm hearing you dude and you got some pipeage going on, but it ain't about the voice bro. I just sent the following to two others just starting out -COPIED AND PASTED.... 1st. Get all the information about the business you can get in your circle. Start by going to www.vobuzzweekly.com and watch the episodes INTENTLY. The information is priceless, it's coming from the leaders in the industry and IT'S FREE!! The hosts are great people and feel free to comment. 2nd. Forget about your voice and everything you can do with it, because it's secondary...it's primarily about your reading...ALOUD...for long periods of time, delivery, technique, etc. Gotta get some coaching. Shoot me an email (bzthevoice@gmail.com), I'll make sure you have a bunch of info and then you can make an informed decision. If you go for it, you're gonna be in great company. VO people are fantastic and wanna see you win. I'm one of em. All the best. Peace and blessings ...Dude, I just uploaded my reels, take a listen
Unless you want people to remember you by the first "demos" of you that they hear, I would advise against calling these samples your VO demos. While the audio recording quality is crisp and clear, your vocal characteristics lack some fine-tuning (wet saliva sounds, swallowed consonants) along with a very "reading out-loud" cadence. I don't say any of this as a put-down, you certainly have a fine set of pipes, but I strongly recommend some research, training and practice before you release a demo.
Thank you for the feed back I greatly appreciate it I will look into some good warm ups. This has always been a dream of mine and i want to be the best I can.
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Take time to listen to several dozen VO demos from other talents and learn to hear what works and doesn't...take a critical listening approach.
Thank you guys for the feedback and Carl I will. A lot of the time I think my mind goes faster than what I'm trying to say so that's why it sounds slurry sometimes.
I'm hearing you dude and you got some pipeage going on, but it ain't about the voice bro. I just sent the following to two others just starting out -COPIED AND PASTED.... 1st. Get all the information about the business you can get in your circle. Start by going to www.vobuzzweekly.com and watch the episodes INTENTLY. The information is priceless, it's coming from the leaders in the industry and IT'S FREE!! The hosts are great people and feel free to comment. 2nd. Forget about your voice and everything you can do with it, because it's secondary...it's primarily about your reading...ALOUD...for long periods of time, delivery, technique, etc. Gotta get some coaching. Shoot me an email (bzthevoice@gmail.com), I'll make sure you have a bunch of info and then you can make an informed decision. If you go for it, you're gonna be in great company. VO people are fantastic and wanna see you win. I'm one of em. All the best. Peace and blessings ...Dude, I just uploaded my reels, take a listen