’Mounir was born for the stage and to be in the spotlights.’’. This was said by a scriptwriter. ‘’His way of working is what we call ‘’sponge-behavior’’. He absorbs everything and executes it, seemingly, effortlessly. Mounir should be centre stage.’’
And that’s exactly where I want to be. Acting, to me, is not just about learning lines and doing a trick. You change your personality. You learn about the background of the character, and slowly you become this person. This leads to a transformation. Your acting only becomes believable when you believe in this person, who you are and where you come from.
Mounir Aboulasri is a passionate guy, who is always smiling and lives in Rotterdam. Besides an actor, Mounir is a real ‘’peoples person’’. He works in a youthcentre as youthworker and sportsteacher, to support and stimulate ‘the youth from these days’’ to create their own talents and direction in life. It is a intense job full of great moments, but also has it’s setbacks. ‘’But,’’ Mounir starts, ‘’such is life.’’
And with that, he is absolutely right. Mounir finds it challenging to play roles that come close to real life. ‘’To play a character that is not a caricature, that is so much harder, but therefore much more satisfying.’’ So Mounir says. ‘’You can easily hide behind playing a ‘nutcase’ or a ‘drunk’ , but to play a regular dad, employee or passerby, is much more of a challenge then you might think.
Mounir started acting with the Youth Theatre Hofplein Rotterdam and then moved on to Rotterdam Centre for Theatre with the youth-group Wespennest, to learn more, and above all, act more. He gained a lot of experience in theatre acting at a young age, which shaped him for the rest of his carrier. In 2011 he entered the acting class ”Acting in front of the camera” with Jamel Aaatache. After several workshops and courses Mounir continued to train himself in acting by attending, at Jojsa Hamman, the Le Pavegnon Theatre and Television school in Amsterdam. Theatre will always be his first love, but recently he is also into film and TV. In 2014 Mounir played in six different short films. Because of that he got a role in the feature film ‘After the Rain‘. The feature film ‘After the Rain’ (Na de regen) where Mounir played a role in, was screened in Eindhovens Film Festival (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), Boddinale Festival (Berlin, Germany) and in Filmapalooza, Chinese Theater in Hollywood (USA). Mounir now plays in two Theatre plays, Xtreem and Right Now!, untill end of 2015, also there’s three short film on the planning of 2015.
Both as an actor and person, Mounir can be seen as a spontaneous and inspiring person, who loves to show that of in the spotlights. To him, acting is showing an interest in humanity, quoting Meryl Streep:
“I’m curious about other people. That’s the essence of my acting. I’m interested in what it would be like to be you.”
Out for Vengeance
by Salar Zarza (Action)
Actor Visual action/thriller story around courage, brotherhood and revenge between borders of society. The story revolves around a man who takes matters in his own hands after investigation led to him as a murder suspect. Not only his experience in military operations and his martial arts skills but because his cop brother can get pulled of the case, Alan decides to hide for authorities in Holland to prove innocence. Slowly he's on track leading to a gang, but meanwhile his innocence is proved by a murder tape. Alan then gets to know the victim, a young dutch women who chases him for helping out, soon they get closer. When the gang decides to kidnap Vanessa for crucial information her killed boyfriend had on their stolen narcotics, investigation still keeps ongoing. Alan, frustrated by a slow investigation finally decides to ask help of his uncle Tarik (played by Mr. Michel Qissi from "Kickboxer" and "Bloodsport" with Mr.Jean-Claude van Damme) yet he refused. After his brother Sonny is ... Written by Salar Zarza
Film (short)
by Untold Story Production/Thomas van Dijk
John van der Meer
Damp Soil
Film (short)
by Rami El Harayri (Crime)
Actor Two manufacturers of illegal drugs are caught in the act by the cousin of one of them as they bag up their latest batch of pills, fresh from the press. Considering she's a member of the anti-drug squad, events take an unexpected turn.
Film (short)
by Madetv/Bram Kwantes
John Landheer
Enter Your Mind
Film (short)
by Charly Horst (Drama and Fantasy)
Actor In Enter Your Mind, Lily changes course in her life and decides to walk away from her husband. Vic is too busy with planning his own successful life, therefore he doesn't understand why his lovely wife made this sudden choice. When being torn apart they both get unexpected help to rethink their lives and bring them to their senses. But will they take this chance?
Achter de wolken
Film (short)
by Moviemes/Lianne Schenk
Under Her Spell
Film (short)
by Jim Kastelijns (Fantasy)
Bek Dicht
Film (short)
by Big Time Films/ Indra van T Hooft
Man 2
De Viesite
Film (short)
by Fruit Fly Production/Maarten Valstar & Jasper Le Clercq
Bert B.I.C.E.P.S.
Film (short)
by Kraftstoff/Madse Krivokutya & Dimitri Janssen
Krijg toch de pest
Film (short)
by The Filmstones/Renze Boeren
Mo Shalhoub
Na de Regen
by Jan van Ooijen (Drama)
Actor Scott, a miljonair who has lost his wife and son during a worldwide epidemic, is forced to take David, a 12 year old boy, under his wing. In a world that has to cope with an aggresive and contagious virus, Scott has to take on a new identity to survive. His true self is lurking not deep under his skin.
B.E.R.T Biceps
Film (short)
by Madse Krivokutya (Action)
Film (short)
by Sinan Düzenli (Drama)
Actor A newly rich football player wants to be accepted in his new higher and rich social environment, but wrestles with the fact that he wants to keep his old friends, who he grew up with, close even when his new girlfriend disapproves. Written by Sinan Düzenli
Audience Award at Eindhovens Film Festival for 'Na de regen' (after de rain)
Best Film & Best High Value Production at Student Screening Festival for 'Prof'
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