Alex West's Photo Harvested is a "Holiday Horror Film", that is centered around Thanksgiving Day. The story follows a group of rappers who make a motel pit-stop in a small town while taking a road-trip. Their stay is cut short by the town legend who returns for vengeance on Thanksgiving night... Produced by Culture Forward Media Group LLC, Distributed by Culture Forward TV, Written and Directed by the 23x international award-winning filmmaker (4X Platinum), Ali West Ashe aka Alex West. Now streaming on Culture Forward TV on Roku, Samsung TV, LG TV and Google Play for mobile users. #3049858413904276209

Alex West

Harvested is a "Holiday Horror Film", that is centered around Thanksgiving Day. The story follows a group of rappers who make a motel pit-stop in a small town while taking a road-trip. Their stay is cut short by the town legend who returns for vengeance on Thanksgiving night... Produced by Culture Forward Media Group LLC, Distributed by Culture Forward TV, Written and Directed by the 23x international award-winning filmmaker (4X Platinum), Ali West Ashe aka Alex West. Now streaming on Culture Forward TV on Roku, Samsung TV, LG TV and Google Play for mobile users.

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