Billy Bills/ Billinator 2.0: Billy is another human friend of the Koala Bears. He is also the son of Buster Bills. Billy convinces to his dad to help others for a change but his dad refuses. Billy has no martial arts skills but he had lessons with Rose and Arthur teaching him martial arts. Billy is a genesis with computers, even hacking into any high tech security program in the world. After his father got arrested Billy got help from Martin into building his own robot suit code name Billinator 2.0 witch its more advance then his father’s robot suit with more weapons programed into the robot suit. Billy’s Billinator 2.0 robot armor suit, that gives him superhuman strength, durability, stamina, endurance, and can fire lasers out from his hands, also has a hover board that also fires lasers and missiles. Billinator 2.0 is also a skilled martial artist and trained in unarmed combat.