Brian M. Cole's Photo Hello actors & filmmakers, if you want to come and network at this event, please come. You will get to meet some of the stars and stars from Switched At Birth. It is for one of the films I'm producing. The donated admission of $50 is a tax-write off since it's held under a non-profit organization Artist: Betwixt & Between and it comes with dinner, dessert, drinks and some entertainment. Please check flyer for more info and feel free to contact me at anytime. #893429710363566262

Hello actors & filmmakers, if you want to come and network at this event, please come. You will get to meet some of the stars and stars from Switched At Birth. It is for one of the films I'm producing. The donated admission of $50 is a tax-write off since it's held under a non-profit organization Artist: Betwixt & Between and it comes with dinner, dessert, drinks and some entertainment. Please check flyer for more info and feel free to contact me at anytime.

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