With No funds all I have is faith working for me right now...what are my chances of getting someone to shoot the pilot for all five of my Hilarious Christian sitcoms so that i can pitch them. Four of the sitcoms "Uncle Ray Ray's Moving In", " Hallelujah A Real Virtuous Woman", "Sheeka Wants Herself A Man", and "Honey Don't Forget, Your Ex Wife Was A Gold Digger", are spin offs from the stage play I wrote, produced and directed called "The Foolish, The Wise & The Virtuous Woman" the last sitcom is "Ms Geraldine, Claudie & Phebee" Christian Comedy! How do I go about getting the pilot for these sitcoms shot with no funds?????
With no funds or connected friends I would try the film colleges in your area as students are often willing to work for showreel credits... A copy of the production to put on their reel & provide catering at shoot & you could get it done. Hope it goes well for you... Tenacity is the key ! Cheers
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thanks a lot Lisette!!!!